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Friday, June 19, 2015

Armed Black Muslims Chant For The Murder Of Police Officers In Austin, Texas

Armed members of the New Black Panther Party militia paraded through Austin, Texas chanting for the murder of police officers. The marchers chanted “A pig is a pig that’s what I said, the only good pig is a pig that’s dead.” That was followed by “Oink! Oink! Bang! Bang!”

Some of the marchers wore kevlar vests and other tactical gear. The New Black Panther Party teaches that the black race will exterminate all white people in a race war that will occur in a near future. They endorse in Nation of Islam theology and consider themselves to be Muslims.

The march coincided with the South by Southwest Music Festival. Last year’s event was held in nearby Killeen, Texas. It ended early when a black male used his car as a weapon to go on a spree killing. Two people were killed and twenty three were wounded.



  1. Openly armed? I know the laws are not as restrictive in Texas for firearms, but I didn't think one could act threateningly and call for violence on a public street while carrying openly, not without being shot dead himself.

    A bunch of them were reported to have flown in from other areas to Texas. I doubt all of them are legally allowed to be carrying, due to criminal records.

    So where is Obama now, looking the other way as usual. The subject of "gun control" only seems to come up when it's a white man holding the guns, whether peacefully or not.

    When it's blacks carrying guns, he doesn't mind. But when they use illegal guns to commit crimes of violence, he blames the guns themselves, not the criminals.

    His agenda is clear: disarm white people.

    RESIST quietly and peacefully.

    Lock and load.

  2. Oh I've had a great deal of m-60 training , also we used targets of panthers and muslims , issued by our government. Just bring it , I got my $hit , so be it.

  3. Isn't this a Declaration of War against the American way of life? Have we had enough yet??

  4. Just read B. Cardin's statement above and all will be well! NOT

  5. There needs to be a counter group of normal citizens, black and white, chanting PANTS UP, DONT LOOT!


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