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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Ahlert: The TPP Will Destroy America's National Sovereignty

Last week, during a radio interview, I was asked to describe the mood of the nation in one word. That’s a tall order, but the host of the show inadvertently provided me with the answer: powerless. And nothing contributes to that sense of powerlessness more than a Washington, DC-based ruling class seemingly determined to undermine our national sovereignty. That’s why members of both parties are foisting the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal on a beleaguered public.

I’d like to give you the details of the TPP, but a contemptuous Obama administration has decided to keep such information top secret. So secret that, even if you’re a member of Congress and want information, you have two choices: You can attend a classified briefing that requires you to leave your staff members and cell phone at the door, or you can amble down to the basement of Capitol Visitor Center for a read. Again, one’s cellphone must be surrendered. And only one section at a time is provided, with someone watching over you as you read. If you take any notes they must be surrendered prior to leaving. After you leave, you are forbidden to discuss any aspects of the bill in public.

On the other hand, here’s a list of 605 “cleared” corporate insiders who have been granted access for some period of the nearly 10 years negotiations on this pact have been taking place. Insiders who represent pharmaceutical companies, Hollywood studios, Wall Street, car and oil companies, and other corporate interests.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, currently holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, explains what some of those interests are — even as he reveals that only five of the 29 TPP chapters are about foreign trade. “The others are about regulating the internet, and what information internet service providers have to collect, they have to hand it over to companies under certain circumstances, the regulation of labor conditions, regulating the way you can favor local industry, regulating the hospital, health care system, privatization of hospitals, so essentially every aspect of a modern economy, even banking services are in the TPP,” he explains. And then, the capper. “So that is erecting and embedding new ultramodern neoliberal structure over U.S. law and the laws of other countries. And putting it in treaty form.”

In other words, the largest economic treaty in history, one including the 12 member states of Japan, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Chile, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam, New Zealand, Brunei and the United States — and representing more than 40 per cent of the world´s total GDP — sounds far more like a pact for global governance than global trade.

Read more here


  1. what else could it be? The elites will get what they want one way or the other, and what they want is us citizens subservient to global laws, no more freedoms, think about that for a minute, they control everything and decide what rights you are allowed to retain.
    No more freedom of thought, assembly speach arms etc. DONE!

  2. Are there any low IQ, believe-anything-they-say, goofs who STILL don't think there is a concerted (go ahead and add "top secret") effort to establish a "New World Order"???
    If the details were released (and they are threatening PRISON time for our ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES (!!) for even TALKING about the details!), they might find themselves in serious danger.
    Practicing civil suppression in American cities, buying BILLIONS of rounds of ammo BANNED for international conflicts, militarizing every police department in the country with weapons normally used only in war, monitoring all American communications, and purging long term officers and commanders from active military (you know, the ones who would resist following orders to shoot American civilians), soliciting and training soldiers to confine, identify and separate "agitators", executive orders giving the president complete and total control over ALL transportation, energy supplies, communications, food shipments, and even the ability and authority to MOVE the populations of entire areas of the United States, is starting to make sense, huh?
    These are FACTS. You make not like them or want to hear them, but they are ALL documented facts.
    You better start paying attention. And you better start being afraid.
    WHEN in our entire history has a TRADE AGREEMENT --- an f'ing trade agreement!!! --- needed such secrecy that "we, the people" are not ALLOWED (read that again!) to know a SINGLE DETAIL of it and OUR representatives are treated like felons applying for a job, that is until it is revealed as the law of the land??? And anyone who DOES speak of it is handcuffed and jailed??!
    There is a LOT more to this top secret "trade agreement" than who we import cars from and to whom we sell fruit. And when it's revealed, they want to be ready for the riots and resistance.
    Or you can believe that your "leaders" have your best interests in mind and just need some patience and time to make the country a better place for the serfs (who are waaay too stupid to need any "details" about how that's going to happen).
    There is still time to hang them all.
    But not much.
    God help the USA.

  3. Call email your congressman vote NO. I have.until we see whats in it it should not pass fast track or whatever


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