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Sunday, June 07, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Gang Signs

Sir Can you or your reader's identify these hand signs in the this photo of Snow Hill High School grads (in Friday's Daily Rag) as gang signs or are these country wanna be's?


  1. stupid kids who think they are kool! Better learn to say do you want fries with that!

  2. They look like the gun signs younger kids use.

    They all look like thugs in this picture - even teh white guy and the girl!

  3. They aren't gang signs but do not underestimate those you call wannabe's. They are the ones who think they have something to prove. They will do extreme things to prove themselves. I don't think these guys are anything other than graduates.

  4. Wow!!! Peace signs are gang signs?? and let me guess thugs right.. this eastern shore ideology is terrible

    1. Those don't look like actual gang signs. But they are NOT peace signs.

  5. I just see happy kids. Almost in a pointing gesture like ....hey. Are you the white Al sharpton? This was a senseless post.

  6. You stupid ignorant racist jerks. They're just kids, for God's sake. They're kids and they're waving for a photo. Just because they're black doesn't mean they're in a gang. The level of stupidity on this board is off the charts. Should I assume you're a poor uneducated meth-head who lives in a trailer park just because you're white?

    1. They aren't waving for a photo, the three are simulating "gang signs" for "fun", that's all.

    2. No. You can assume my kids have a father and hard working parents because I'm white. I agree with you. But if your gonna stereotype whites, do it right. This is the kinda crap that divides us.

  7. Good grief...the one finger point is not a gun pointing, although i am sure that is a fun assumption for you guys. It is used when taking a picture with another person that you have high respect or appreciation for. Never used for an enemy, only friends. Think about it...who would point a gun at a group of friends that you are taking pictures with while smiling and happy. Not everything youth s do is related to gang activity. Negativity sucks!

  8. And 9:33, you can leave this site at any time...check out the little X on the top right, OK?

  9. the viewer who wrote this works at burger king and lives in a single wide bet me

  10. Ummmm Charlie's Angels?

  11. They Are Gangbangers! Clearly making a "K" and a "G" that sign is linked to the Klej Grange Crew. A violent down-county gang that drives around in Sharonda's 4-door Ford Taurus that she got when her Mom-Mom passed. The KGC is baaad, don't mess with them!

  12. This has to be a joke right? Neither of these young men are holding anything remotely resembling a gang sign. You have taken what is supposed to be one of the most happy and gratifying days of these young men's lives and tarnished it. Do you people just get off on bullying or what?

    I myself have just a few things to say to these young men. congratulations on your graduation. Don't let these bullies ruin your day. You have a acomplished something that in today's world gets harder and harder to do each year that goes by. Keep your heads up and be proud.

    1. Well said and absolutely correct.

  13. The writer just wanted his full day of fame. He wants the masses to get there hate on for the day. You people are giving him/her exactly what they want. This is just a picture of kids have fun after graduation.

  14. I guarantee neither of them will be able to earn a living.

  15. The photographer asked them what four minus seven was and they are having a WTF? moment...

  16. Gang signs. the two top left are crips, two bottom right are bloods. Those signs mean they are getting together tonight to play the knock out game on Baltimore cops.
    Its no wonder the media is so successful at keeping us divided when you go to a "tea party" site and see all the racist hick comments that MsNBC told liberals would be here. Bunch of insecure whites scared of everything. If they were giving each other rabbit ears you idiots would say "gang signs! Lock your doors, buy ammo, hide your children". I find it pathetic. They are young kids excited about graduation and just because you don't understand what they are doing doesn't mean you should pull a fire alarm. Remember who the real enemy is because I have never had a black person wrong me, but the government has stolen from me every single day since I turned 18.

  17. 11:53 LOL to the max.

  18. The white guy is doing thumbs up. The guy behind the girl is giving her rabbit ears. the guy on the left is pointing at the girl and the girl is pointing back at the guy. Just give it a rest.

  19. This is why republicans won't win office.. keep up with your racial game.. keep thinking white is right and black is wrong.. the people will vote just to oppose hate.. new generations.. new rules.. it's time for the millennials to erase the ignorance of the past!!!

  20. Where is the "girl" that you guys are referring to? All that I see is "hore" in the upper left-hand side of the photo.

  21. This area is crazy about gangs there are no gangs here,clubs maybe.Chicago,NY,New Orleans,LA have gangs.

  22. "new generations.. new rules.. it's time for the millennials to erase the ignorance of the past!!!" Yeah - I hope I live long enough to see THAT stoogefest.

    1. So true!!! No one can erase the ignorance of America.. whenever change faces the crossroad of ignorance.. there will be those to defend the traditional ignorance of the past..

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And 9:33, you can leave this site at any time...check out the little X on the top right, OK?

    June 1, 2015 at 10:10 AM

    no, I want him to stay. he makes sense. you on the other hand, feel free to click that 'x'.

  24. Why do people say whanab thugs or gang. If a group are robbing murdering selling drugs and flashing known gang signs they are a gangster! Not saying they are above but I hear this all the time.

  25. 431. I can Tell you with 100% confidence there are gangs here and are extremely violent

    1. Damn right! Wicomico co. Sheriff's office has the biggest most violent gang bangers. And they're typically the same. Cowards until their crew shows up!


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