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Saturday, June 27, 2015

A Fiorina Presidency Would Begin With A Call To Israel

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina says "on day one" of her presidency, she would call Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to reaffirm U.S. support for the Jewish state.

It is "vitally important that we have a discussion on how America must lead in the world," she said. That's why "on day one … I would call Bibi Netanyahu to reassure him that the U.S. will always stand with Israel."

She said likely Democratic nominee, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has "been wrong on these issues."

Fiorina laid out her foreign policy priorities at a forum hosted by RealClearPolitics in Colorado on Friday, after being asked about the latest attacks by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria in France, Tunisia and Kuwait.

After calling the Israeli prime minister, Fiorina said she would begin drawing up plans to confront Russia's war-like posturing, provide the Ayatollahs in Iran with an ultimatum on their nuclear ambitions, and lend greater support to Arab allies in their fight against the Islamic State.


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