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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

40 to 50 teens trashed Georgia Walmart

Surveillance video of a wee-hours ruckus at a Macon Wal-Mart on Sunday shows a teenager race inside flashing gang signs ahead of a mob of four dozen or so people who burst in and smashed merchandise.

The commotion, which caused an estimated $2,000 in damage, appears to have been planned.

Some in the crowd also snatched a man, apparently a shopper at the Zebulon Road store, from a motorized shopping cart and dragged him to the floor, Bibb County sheriff’s officials said Monday.

The vandals, said to number between 40 and 50, sprinted down the store’s main aisle about 1:50 a.m. Sunday, “destroying merchandise displays and items,” a sheriff’s deputy’s report of the incident noted.

Read more here: http://www.macon.com/2015/06/29/3821075/report-macon-wal-mart-mob-wanted.html#storylink=cpy



  1. Need to give them room to destroy. That is what your seeing. It's a delicate process of gangs roits and being black with privilege.

    1. Huh? You can't seriously be advocating this thuggery

  2. When you're always given without working, you grab without warning.

  3. Replies
    1. I have teens in my neighborhood! Maybe I should ask the police for some extra coverage in this area.

  4. There are weeds in the garden. Time for maintenance.

  5. Why don't they "Bus Up" some high-end stores, then the liberal elites would get a better idea of what they have created.

  6. Hoping Wal*Mart cameras were fully functional inside and out


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