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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Young Americans Going Gaga For Socialism

Ask youth and Democrats in America what they think of socialism and a growing number will answer in the positive, pointing to Norway, Sweden and self-declared socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders as their examples, a new survey showed.

YouGov conducted a survey of how Americans these days are viewing socialism, and the perception has greatly changed since Moscow Red Square military-parade days.

In general, 52 percent of Americans say they have a favorable view of capitalism and 26 percent, a favorable perception of socialism. But those numbers change dramatically with the younger set.

For those in the under-30 range, “36 percent have a positive view of socialism, while 30 percent have a positive view of capitalism.”

More here


  1. its because they do not know any better. The America our grandparents grew up in is long gone and todays youth have nothing to compare too.

  2. It's because they've been indoctrinated by Socialist left wing liberals in public schools for the last 30 years!

  3. when other peoples money runs out, they'll be sorry. lol

  4. because they are lazy at heck. There are some young people that work their butt off but by in large they are mostly lazy and feel entitled. The system is teaching kids they do not need to respect democracy any longer. be careful what you wish for. Educate yourself first.

  5. good. when the total economic collapse happens, we can all enjoy watching them slowly starve to death.

  6. The thing is socialism will only work if everyone is productive.

  7. I guess that when you're perennially unemployed, you live in your divorced mom's basement and you're 30 years old, a little sharing of everybody's wealth seems like a good thing,

  8. It's because they don't have a clue what socialism is all about and how many times it has failed.
    They just think it means everybody shares and nobody goes without..
    And the liberal teachers' union made sure they saw it that way.
    If you have some younger people in your sphere of influence, explain to them about using other people's money to fund things, and tell them about the old Soviet Union.
    Most of them aren't stupid, they've just been deceived.

  9. The lazy asses think they can get out of not working.

  10. Clearly, Scandinavia works well.

    Its not very socialist though. Most Americans don't seem to know what "socialist" mean, and try to apply it to places like Scandinavia. Places that run competitive market economies that does not tolerate concepts such as "too big to fail" and "no-bid contracts"


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