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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

WOW: White House Shamelessly Uses Michelle Photo Op to Play Race Card

The propaganda doesn’t get more blatant than this.

Check out this image above posted to the White House Flickr feed last week of the First Lady’s trip to Topeka to visit the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site.

Via the Yahoo News article “Michelle Obama Photograph a Stark Reminder of Segregation Era” [AUTHOR NOTES ADDED]:

As the first lady toured the site with Stephanie Kyriazis [A WHITE PERSON], its chief of interpretation and education, she posed [THE OPERATIVE WORD] for a striking photograph that serves as a stark reminder of the segregation era.

The image, taken by White House photographer Chuck Kennedy, was posted to the White House Flickr feed this week.



  1. Which is what we're moving towards, once again. And I'm no longer sure that's a bad thing anymore.

  2. What a joke, these people will never stop playing the victim, and every wrong must be kept alive to keep the black flames of hatred fresh in the minds of the young and old alike. And still Obama pushing TPP, which will destroy the wages of black and white working poor alike. Any AF Am that votes for these dems gets what they deserve.

  3. No shame in her game.

  4. So much for the good ole days.

  5. Striking a pose. Shameless race baiting. Obama and his wife are setting back civil rights and accomplishments of African Americans by 100 years. The first post is a good example of what they have accomplished in the attitudes of the American people. This president is destroying our country in every way possible, he only gets worse as time goes by. "Transforming America", will we make it to November 2016? I am having my doubts.

  6. When this was the law of the land, we got along a whole lot better. Maybe we should return to it.

  7. Still being punished for what my great grandfather did.

  8. How very sad that the first black president has not moved us forward but rather backward to a time in our history most of us didn't live in and all of us want to move away from.

  9. 10:35. Got along a lot better? Kinda assuming you are not black.

  10. Ya think 12:24 lol

  11. The President is moving us backward??? Try reading some of this comments and try to look at yourselves in the mirror afterwards.


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