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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Wives Can Give Husbands High Blood Pressure

When older men have stressed-out wives, their own blood pressure may go up, a U.S. study suggests.

While previous research has linked stress and bad relationships to elevated blood pressure, less is known about how these challenges affect both members of a couple, and how the spouses affect one another, over time.

For the current study, researchers evaluated about 1,350 couples once in 2006 and again in 2010 to see how each person’s blood pressure might change based on shifts in their relationship satisfaction or stress levels.

“We found that husbands had higher blood pressure when wives reported greater stress and that this link was even greater when husbands felt more negative about the relationship,” lead study author Kira Birditt, a scientist at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, said by email.

“In addition, negative marital quality experienced by only one member of the couple was not associated with blood pressure, but when both members of the couple reported higher negative marital quality they both had higher blood pressure,” added Birditt.



  1. lol i bet its you that gives the wife high blood pressure mr know it all but knows nothing..

  2. So what you're saying is that all married men have high blood pressure. I really don't know any chill women.

  3. All men marry a doll and divorce a bit$h. Wonder what turns em? Hahaha.....

  4. Hey women bashers on here men deal out a lot of medical symptoms on us too. They are right even when their wrong, only one way that's their way, and women aren't entitled to an opinion ring any bells?

  5. I bet the biggest source of the wife's stress is the husband!!


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