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Friday, May 01, 2015

'White Privilege' Is Not What Is Holding Blacks Back Today

The death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore is just one more example of “white supremacy” to the mob in the street – but is it really?

First, let’s look at what white supremacy is understood to be: the belief, theory, or doctrine that white people are inherently superior to other racial groups and therefore should politically, economically and socially rule non-whites.

This is said to go back to America’s founding – whites made blacks slaves, abused Native Americans and Christianized (how horrible!) racial minorities.

Whites had historical advantages that lasted well beyond slavery into Jim Crow and supposedly even now, say strident black activists. This translated into better educational and economic opportunities as well as the transfer of generational wealth.
There is certainly truth in this, but two points must be made:

None of this history explains the crime and rampant immorality that permeates the black community today. Even though blacks had it tough during Jim Crow, black families were intact and crime was relatively low, because blacks then, for the most part, were a moral people. Today the overall American illegitimacy rate is about 33 percent (26 percent for whites). For blacks, it’s over 70 percent – approximately three times the level of black out of wedlock births that existed when the War on Poverty began in 1964!

This is 2015, people! Since Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War on Poverty” began there has been a massive wealth transfer to black Americans in the form of welfare and other handouts. And affirmative action, designed to grant special consideration to minorities and women in employment and education, has given blacks unprecedented advantages. Today it’s safe to say that if “white privilege” (which supposedly flows from “white supremacy”) were weighed against “black privilege,” there’s really no comparison. And the above advantages don’t even scratch the surface of the social advantages of being black today.



  1. Truth obscured by lies and demagoguery is still the truth.

  2. I finally figured out what this is all about. They keep talking about body cameras. Well guess what that's Next people! Cops will not be able to turn them off and we will be remotely monitored constantly. Cities will set up with cameras and will be under surveillance constantly. If not already? This is the motivation of all these racial conflicts and militarization of the police forces. They want access to an all seeing eye. Most of this ignorant generation fools, will be more then willing to slap 666 on thier foreheads, when that time comes ughhh..You've been warned. It's such BS

  3. Body cameras the results of the War , drones, sting rays.. xray trucks too..and corporations must MAKE MONEY$$$ Hello!!

  4. simply put, they refuse to help themselves, they take whatever they can get and sit back and complain its not nearly enough

  5. Blacks are holding themselves back. We are seeing it today. The first step they could take to better themselves is to not make babies they can't afford.
    Then the black "leaders"-that's a joke. Nothing but a bunch of liars, proficient at only lying and playing the blame game instead of telling it like it is.

  6. 6:03 You hit it on the head!!! How much more can we give these people? ?? What a bunch of spoiled, ungrateful POS. DON'T WORRY ABOUT WORKING! !! Free housing, free food, free utility just sit back wake up out of your drug hangover at noon just to do it all over again.

  7. Race card played at every opportunity. You don't see White Americans doing this and, yes, there is a lot of reverse discrimination in education, hiring, promotions, etc. Stop using the race card, obey the law and stop the destruction as none of this will help anybody.

  8. Illegitimate kids are called "Bastards", just imagine going thru life knowing your just a mistake.

  9. These idiots will do anything for a free hat and t-shirt. Just look at AFSCUM union members.

  10. I'd like to know where a 62 year old white man goes to get this "white privilege"...I missed the exit for that

  11. In this day and age, blacks have the advantages over whites.

    They don't have to work, they get money, food, phones, housing, placement advantages in government work, and colleges.

    Whenever one of them gets injured, they all rabble-rouse and riot.

    There are significantly more white people killed by police officers than blacks statistically! If we rioted for every death, this country would be in shambles - much worse than it currently is.

    To them I would say get off you fat lazy asses and do something productive - then you have the right to complain!

  12. Give a mouse a cookie.....


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