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Saturday, May 02, 2015

'Wheels Coming Off' Hillary's Campaign

There are signs that Hillary Clinton's second try at the White House is already stalling out, two veteran political activists told Newsmax TV's John Bachman and Miranda Khan on Wednesday.

Ed Pozzuoli, a Fox News political analyst and former co-chairman of the Jeb Bush for Governor campaign, and Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, joined "The Roundtable" on "Newsmax Now" to take stock of the former secretary of state's nascent run for president — and found it to be in early trouble.

Pozzuoli and Pratt discussed the refusal of New York City's liberal mayor, Bill de Blasio, to endorse Clinton and a leak of State Department emails seemingly designed to absolve Clinton of wrongdoing in her response to the 2012 Benghazi, Libya, embassy compound attack.

"It may be indicative of the signs of the wheels coming off the Clinton campaign car," said Pratt. "She seems to be running out of gas. People are not buying into the old narrative and, as Marco Rubio put it, she's so yesterday."

Pozzuoli agreed that "the wheels are falling off the Scooby-mobile for Hillary Clinton," a reference to the van she rode in to Iowa this month as part of her new, woman-of-the-people campaign pitch.



  1. She is trash and the low life trash in this country relate to her and will vote for her.

  2. When all the wheels are off I hope she runs head first into that big pile of crap she keeps trying to feed everybody.Right to the bottom of a big pile of s@#t that's exactly where she belongs because she is nothing but s@#t.

  3. Go home loser! (Arkansas)


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