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Sunday, May 17, 2015

What's Behind the Collapse of Baltimore

Fact: The last Republican city council member in Baltimore City left office in 1942. That is 73 years of solid Democrat city councils.

Fact: The last Republican mayor of Baltimore City left office in 1967. That is 48 years of unbroken control of the mayor's office.

Fact: The Maryland Senate is currently 33 Democrats to 14 Republicans.

Fact: The Maryland House is currently 90 Democrats to 50 Republicans.

Fact: The last time Republicans held both the Maryland Senate and the Maryland House of Delegates was 1897.

Fact: The last time Republicans held even one chamber of the Maryland General Assembly--the House--was 1917.

That is unbroken Democrat control of the Maryland legislature since 1918--or nearly a century of Democrat control.

Fact: 7 out of 8 members of the Maryland delegation in the U.S. House are Democrats.

Fact: The last Republican U.S. senator from Maryland was elected in 1980.

Fact: It was Baltimore’s Democrat mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who said: “I’ve made it very clear that I worked with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech.

"It's a very delicate balancing act. Because while we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well. And we worked very hard to keep that balance and to put ourselves in the best position to de-escalate."



  1. Liberals still argue but rational people understand these are the facts. No getting around them. Democrats continued policies have failed not only poor urban blacks but whites as well.

    Vote Republican and we can change things.

  2. I simply don't understand why the eastern shore residents don't band together and secede from the western portion of the State.

    Talk about taxation without representation, the eastern shore has just that.

  3. It will never be any different. The democrats have championed the philosophy of buying the votes of the poor by giving them "free stuff". The system is already set up to perpetuate that way of doing business. It has been since the early 1900's. The only cure is a complete reset. It is inevitable. The wheels are set in motion. In order to change the current system is to im[lement austerity. That would mean nationwide riots that would require martial law to contain. Which would require a massive military deployment, internment camps, etc. Well doesn't that sound eerily like whats being planned for July 15? Hmmmmm

  4. Voting "R" won't change anything. Too late. The country is already too dependent upon the redistribution of tax dollars. To turn the faucet off now would mean huge riots. Think about it. End welfare? End Disability/SSI? End federal dollars to schools? Federal unemployment? People who have come systemically dependent upon these "programs" would be starving. The resulting chaos would be insurmountable. The ensuing meyhem would welcome foriegn invaders. See the problem?

  5. Known fact that Democrats are alittle crooked too say the least !!

  6. We can turn this sinking ship around and NOW is the time to do it by registering Republicans and voting for conservative leadership. Abolishing welfare and other social programs will not happen but accountability will bring commonsense into administrating these programs which current operate without oversight. Rules and restrictions must be implemented prior to issuance of any government monies. The current system rewards those who do not contribute to society without regard to personal accountability. This pattern of throwing monies at the undeserving would cease while assisting those who are truly deserving.

  7. It's to late now to turn back the tide. Our nation's new majority now has free cell phones, free health, virtually limitless unemployment benefits, social security, disability, section 8 housing, earned income credits for money not even earned, Independent cards - and our governing leaders want to know why our nations GDP is on the decline?

    It's to late now - once our nation reached the precipice where the majority receives more than it contributes - self destruction will set-in. Soon, you will witness our nation being scorched from within when the mayhem turns on remnant of legitimate taxpayers.

  8. So how does maryland wean themselves from the Fed? An impossible task in itself. That's the answer,Md needs to be independent from federal dollars!! You try that..while i pack

  9. I agree with 2:00 PM's assessment, it is to late for our country to turn-a-round.

    The collapse has already begun, look at the recent riots in Ferguson, MO, Baltimore, MD, Phila, PA, NY, Chicago, Ill., even down at UMES in Princess Anne.

    Soon, US internment camps will be activated and Marshall law declared. The 'handwriting is on the wall'.

  10. Too late? That's what concerned citizens said in late 1930s Germany. It tool a world war to undo what the citizens of Germany should have done.

    1. .....and it will take another war to change the course of this nation. It will have to be initiated by the citizens when they have to defend themselves.

    2. Another Civil War, actually.

      The country split into several loosely aligned states, rejecting and resisting the Fed"s heavyhanded intrusiveness. Mobs of low information voters won't stand a chance against a "well regulated mitiitia". They'll end up fleeing to the remaining welfare states.

  11. She just proves you can't fix stupid!


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