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Thursday, May 14, 2015

WBOC's Paul Butler Just Can't Say "Camden Yards"

I can't believe it. Last year we called out Paul Butler for calling Camden Yards, "Candem Yards". One would think by now, he gets it. NOPE! Tonight he was at it again. Come on Paul, CAMDEN, not CANDEM.


  1. LOL. No big deal. A lot of people have that "one" word that just will not come out right. Mine is wristwatch. Always comes out wistratch...that and candem kinda rhymes with condom...don't know but I just find it funny...

  2. Leave the man alone.

  3. Joe....thats funny. But unfortunately its ebonics. Yes. Believe it or not, it's acceptable. Like when someone "Axes" you a question. Let me give you a small list:

    Candem = Camden
    Axe = Ask
    Skreet = Street
    Skrate = Straight
    Posed = Supposed
    Fitty = Fifty

  4. Shiite White FolkMay 14, 2015 at 9:14 PM

    Hey, it's on a plasket sign, just axe him.

    It's just an "accidental" mispronunciation.

    That's why we go to college for a degree in public speaking, so we can slaughter the English language in a better tone.

  5. He needs to get out of those 2001 suits.

  6. Why in the world was he ever re-hired? All he has to do is READ the teleprompter, he doesn't even have to make the news up himself. Every time he is on air, he fractures the English language.

  7. Paul is a fine decent man. We need many more like him. So what if he has a tiny insignificant problem with the pronunciation of one word; no one is perfect. He does a great job. He's a great dresser too!

  8. Anonymous said...
    Why in the world was he ever re-hired? All he has to do is READ the teleprompter, he doesn't even have to make the news up himself. Every time he is on air, he fractures the English language.

    May 14, 2015 at 10:31 PM

    Typical Ebonics as said above.

    If the man can't comprehend the basics to the English language and Composition then why do we keep hiring people like him?

    Leave him alone my a$$! He should have never been hired in the first place but we need to fill quotas. The downfall of America! Now you have a militant, radical anti-American miscreant in the White House because of ignorance.

  9. Stop this __hit, please.

    Lots of us who were born and raised in Balmore call it Candem.

  10. Joe -

    Wanna go to the movie thee-a-der today?

  11. Paul Butler is excellent and a standup person in our community. I wish we had thousands of Paul Butler's in this nation as it would be Americana at its best. Faith, family, Integerity and Resilence best describes Paul.

  12. ALL of our local stations WMDT & WBOC are horrible. Our local stations are basically a place where new, news people can start and get their feet wet before moving-on. The old regulars who have been around this area are not good newspeople. Our local broadcasts suck! I am a retired U.S. Marine who has lived differant places throughout the U.S. Salisbury has the worst local newscasts that I have ever seen.


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