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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

U.S. In Grip Of What Experts Call ‘Pollen Tsunami

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — If you have red, itchy eyes or stuffed-up sinuses, you are not alone. Allergy experts across the country are warning of a “pollen tsunami.”

An unusually high amount of pollen in the air is causing misery for the estimated 40 million people with nasal allergies. One of the biggest pollen hot zones spans the northeast.

Blooming flowers and budding branches mean spring is in the air—and so is the pollen. It’s everywhere, collecting in thick clumps on the ground and coating cars.



  1. no worse than any other year. just another media cry for help.

  2. Better keep the children home from school. Don't want them to get sick at recess.

  3. I agree bloggerhater. I have my own scientific methods, my back porch and the furniture on it- of engaging the pollen count and it is no worse than previous years.

  4. I've never had worse allergy problems than this year -- never.

  5. As I have grown older, I'm more allergic to Democrats than anything else. I have problems breathing anytime I meet one of them.

  6. ABC news blamed this on "Global Warming"
    What a bunch of lying commies. There hasn't been any warming in 18 years and they still keep pounding the drum about it.

  7. Every single day there is an additional 40 acres of desert on planet earth.That must mean something.

  8. Every single day is but a grain of sand in that desert.....the oldest human fossil dates back to 2.3 million years ago. Face reality, at some point humans will face the same fate as dinosaurs. Another life form will evolve and take over the planet.

  9. 5:46 It's because it doesn't rain there.

  10. 3:43 PM, you are wrong. Really bad this year and if you don't have a problem with it, feel blessed. This has been one miserable spring for me so far.

  11. No worse, but it does seem later this year. I have a craptastic sinus headache right now. It's usually in April...


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