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Sunday, May 03, 2015

The immediate resignation or removal from office of Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

The following signers of this petition are writing to demand the immediate resignation or removal from office of Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake for gross incompetence and negligence in the performance of her duties as Baltimore City Mayor.

On April 25 during a press conference, the Mayor described her delicate balancing act of protecting police while simultaneously giving “those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well.”

By giving these unlawful citizens room to destroy personal property, the Mayor directly contributed to the destruction and chaos that followed on April 27, 2015. This strategy underscores a complete lack of leadership and experience in handling crisis. As an executive officer, the Mayor is responsible for the preservation of the State and the protection of their constituents.



  1. Agree^^
    She was pretty lame with regard to use of her powers to protect ALL citizens of Baltimore.

  2. She needs to be ARRESTED for inciting a riot and sued for anyone that was hurt or property destroyed.

  3. Why she was just following orders from her bosses. Governor Hogan, and Obama, she shouldn't be thrown under the bus for something they told her to proceed with. Its not like she failed to evacuate her city during a hurricane flood or closed a bridge on purpose...

  4. We need to do this petition thing to get ride of our mayor!

  5. I don't think she knew what to do at the moment. She is new to all of this and I'm not sure I would have known what to do in her spot...PLUS... she had the disadvantage of being the same color as all the rioters and was going to get slammed either way.

  6. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoApril 29, 2015 at 12:56 PM

    11:57 confused a bit? Hogan never gave her any orders. She wanted these riots to escalate for w g at ever reason and when it got out of control and over her head 2 days later she cried out to Governor Hogan for help. Well, too late, damage has been done and now she is teaming up with Sharpton and starting a Blame Game. Typical Liberal Democ-rats, blaming everyone else for their mistakes and stupid decisions..

  7. The mayor waited to long,the Governor was ready and waiting for her to call.She failed on this situation as well as numerous times in the past.Its the same situation with UMES the Dean should be held accountable for the students actions.especially when the students are never held accountable by the college.This college needs to gain more control over the students,yesterday was not just the beginning this has been going on for a very long time.UMES students will lose control and act out in a very destructive manner.Hopefully they can get the help they need before its to late.

  8. I think what a lot of people don't realize is that local police aren't trained for riots or crowd control. Since the mid 1980's, there has been a war on drug declared in our country. what today's officer are trained for are drug arrests, domestic issues and other traditional problems in our society. They detect the smell of weed in a car and know how to run into a house to get a criminal, but with the exception if New York City, officers are just not prepared for this. 911 gave the officers in New York a different prospective of what could happen on such a larger scale with large crowds and how to control the situation. Some training and procedures need to change to guard against today's issues. The Nation Guard should be called in much earlier to protect high tension situations. Think back to the Occupy Wall street protest that were happening in NYC a little while ago...do you remember hearing of any significant damage being done?...yeah, me either. What we have seen in Ferguson and Baltimore should be a training video for what changes need to be made in our police forces. I watched many live feeds from the riots that were happening in Baltimore and if the mayor had said "shut this down now", I still don't think it would have made much difference. Do you really think that the criminals that were out there destroying property did it because the mayor said? The police in Baltimore truly looked unprepared. I saw no organization at all...officers standing with shields telling other officers where to stand. Think new!

    1. They are also not Paramedics.

  9. Hey idiots you cant remove her with a petition. Thats what an election is for...oh thats right thats how Mathias stays in office...you folks cant even get an election right.

  10. This situation has played out exactly as planned, directly out of the divide and conquer playbook. If the mayor came out right away and promised the community that justice would be done and for the community should remain calm, there is a very good chance this wouldn't have happened. Instead, she kept quiet until she made it clear that it was ok to loot & destroy. She knew exactly what she was doing and was coached well by the members of her party.

  11. I enjoyed the headline in the Daily Times today. "UMES students shut down US. 13 in peaceful protests". In my opinion, shutting down a taxpayer owned highway and obstructing traffic is not peaceful but unlawful. Just run over a few and that crap will stop.

  12. Governor Hogan tried to call her several times Monday. After it got out of control then and only then did she return his call. She told the media to stop twisting her words. How do you twist 5 words, " give them space to destroy"

  13. Didn't you all hear round two? She didn't say that. (If you say it enough times, they will believe).

  14. "Giving them space to destroy" has been their handlers...or "community leaders" credo for decades.

    And see what it has wrought.

  15. that petition and a buck will get you a cup of coffee.

  16. is she going to personally cover the cost of rebuilding the space she gave them to destroy? are the destroyers going to be held liable for the cost of rebuilding? what? the government? oh, of course, because we paid them to do it. If you cant find a job, if there are no jobs, then able bodied men and women should be earning their government checks with community service. and before you appoint a 6-figure head of that department, i feel certain one of those unemployed people are fully capable of running it as their "give back" for their gov't check.

  17. She is the one that encouraged the thugs to destroy property.give them space to do so.she made the bed she sleeps in.

  18. The easiest way to quell the whole situation and to disperse the crowd is to throw job applications at all the deadbeat obama warriors .cut off their free phones and eat cards. Try working like the rest of us.then you wouldn't have time to loot and riot.

  19. She allowed hate crimes to occur and then sat back and watched them while in hiding and did nothing to stop them. What a disgrace!!! Has she since charged any of those thugs who committed hate crime when they selected businesses to loot based on the business owner color?


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