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Friday, May 08, 2015

Student: Professor Gave Me Zeros for Refusing to Condemn Christianity

A Polk State University student says that her humanities professor gave her four consecutive zeros after she disagreed with his negative views toward Christianity.

One of professor Lance “L.J.” Russum’s assignments asked students: why did Christianity and its male gods seek to silence women? Another insisted that Michelangelo’s sculptures and paintings communicated that same-sex relationships are not a sin.

Russum also reportedly criticized Christianity as one of the “most violent forms of religion the world has ever seen.”

But 16-year-old Grace Lewis, who virtually attends Polk State, said she disagreed with the educator over Christianity and religion, and she was consequently given four zeros.



  1. Good for you for standing up for what is right!! Time to get ride of the looser left wing people who view they are teachers and bring back the educators. I would like to see these so called teachers in the world of business. I can see it now...please government give me a grant to survive!!

  2. Parents are going to have to wake up to the fact that their children are being brain washed into hating America.Education has to start at home and at a very young age.

  3. All monotheistic male deities strive to silence women.

  4. "All monotheistic male deities strive to silence women."

    What a jackass comment. Everybody wants to be perceived as a victim.


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