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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

State Health Officials: 21% Increase In Fatal Overdoses In 2014

Maryland's health department says the state had a 21 percent increase in fatal drug overdoses in 2014, compared to the previous year.

The report released Tuesday says 1,039 people died from overdoses in 2014. That's a 60 percent increase since 2010.

About 86 percent of the deaths involved opioids, which include heroin and prescription drugs.

The health department says large increases in deaths involving heroin and fentanyl were responsible for the overall increase in opioid-related deaths. The number of fentanyl-related deaths more than tripled between 2013 and 2014, from 58 in 2013 to 185 in 2014. Fentanyl is a powerful narcotic that can kill by inhibiting breathing.



  1. Another one of the "Laws of Stupidity" - let them take this stuff till it kills them.....then we don't have to put up with them anymore!

  2. Not everyone that dies from od is a junkie..... people that are prescribed pain meds often od accidentally. Tho I agree, let the junkie scum die.

  3. 1:13 Hate to tell you but they are junkies or they would take the meds as prescribed and not more resulting in OD. We just don't want to think of our grandparents and pill heads and drug addicts

  4. Concerned RetireeMay 20, 2015 at 2:46 PM

    They don't want help so feed them extra potent doses and let them enjoy their last breath.
    Cut down on the prison population and cost to the tax payer.

  5. Looks like the Drug Mule problem in Sand Town is fixing itself.

  6. Personal responsibility has its consequences.


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