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Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Somerset County Hearing on poultry farms

The Somerset County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a meeting on Thursday May 7 at the County Government Office building at 11916 Somerset Avenue in Princess Anne, Maryland. The meeting starts at 7 pm. The meeting is not open to public comments, unless the commissioners decide to open it. What is at stake is the Right to Farm Law for Somerset County. The Back Bone Corridor group and Kathy Phillips have brought in many special interests groups (from out of state) to challenge the development of poultry farms and the building regulations that govern them. These groups have only one goal and that is to destroy family farms and put us out of business. This is a very real and serious threat to Family Poultry farms not only in Somerset County, but also throughout the Delmarva Peninsula. What we need is a large, very large turn out of Family Poultry Farmers and friends for this hearing. Speaking is not necessary; your mere presence will speak volumes. I am asking everyone who farms to turn out for this hearing. What is at stake is your ability to build poultry houses and in reality your constitutional right to use and enjoy the property that you own and wish to have for future generations of you family. Please try to take time out to join us. Forward this email to any one who may be interested.


  1. watch out Somerset County, you're in the crosshairs - hope your tax dollars don't go to fund your persecution :(

  2. The objective of the most of the citizens is not to shut down family farm businesses. Many of us are from farming families and are life long residents of Somerset County. We understand an agree with the "right to farm". We do not agree with tha lack of regulation and a different required zoning for the large poultry mega farms. We oppose large scale poultry operations packed onto what used to be tillable farm land. Many of these mega-farms are being put in next to residential developments, and save some setback regulations, are virtually unregulated and require the same zoning as tillable land.

    They are tenant farms, the owners are rarely there. Rarely are the employees from the area. Most are now employing migrant labor, as the tomato industry on the eastern Shore is virtually non-existent, compared to 20 years ago.

    They are a strain on the water table and affect the already established wells that we have. They contribute to air pollution. Finally, they add a large amount of truck traffic and the roads take a toll.

    I welcome farming. I would love to see a small scale dairy farm, or a simple family farm like I grew up on with a variety of products raised and grown, but that is not what is going on. Travel to the area we live in now. There are already a number of these mega farms in the West Post Office, Palmetto Church Rd. and Peggy Neck area. Google Earth the area, you can see 50 or more chicken houses in a small area.

  3. This is what happens when things are not done in moderation. Local opposition does not have a problem with family farms it is the large operations or mega farms that are being called into question.

  4. A farm is a farm. You can't tell a farmer how to use his space.

  5. Yes you can, just like you can't build a house in critical areas....DFA

  6. 10:06 Also this is what happens when our government lets third world citizens come here and get free money to build mega poultry farms. They don't really follow the regulations that cause pollution and other problems after all they are from a third world country. Then their sons build then their brother and so on and so on.
    Many of our local farmers can't even get loans that huge because they are from the USA.

    1. This is the craziest thing i have heard of. First thing you should be aware of is to get these loans you should be a US citizen and must meet certain requirements that are regulated by US Government. So people building these farms are not third world country citizens. They are all US Citizens and have equal rights to all other US Citizens. US is country of immigrants and thats is what we stand for. Every one has equal rights. I am not sure where are you coming from and what this has to do with third world countries.


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