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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Some Things Just Can't Be Explained

After doing this Blog thing for the past 10 years now, one thing that always blows our minds is, why do some articles get more hits then others?

Just when you think you've got a finger on what article will get more traffic, out of nowhere comes an article you NEVER expected to get any real traffic and it blows the rest of them away.

I say this because I want you to think back over the past week and try to guess which article you think got the most hits. I'll give you a hint. It received more than 482,568 hits on that one article alone. Have fun!


  1. I will take a stab. It was either about police killing black people, ISIS taking over the country or Bruce Jenner.

  2. The gay/drag show thingy?

  3. Dragalicious Drag Show?

  4. FeFe's Dragalicious....what else could it be? Nothing stirs this city more than blasting Liarton and Fake Day. Couple of two bits whores there.

  5. The BOE article. map

  6. Somerset County proposed wind farm.

  7. So what was it Joe?

  8. This was the article: UPDATED:Worcester County Sheriff's Office Warns About A FaceBook Post


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