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Saturday, May 09, 2015


A new study has revealed “biased” forecasts by the U.S. Social Security Administration, suggesting the health of the system millions of Americans are depending on for their retirement is seriously overstated.

The study was published Friday in the Journal of Economic Perspectives, co-authored by Harvard Professor Gary King, a Ph.D. student at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science; and an assistant professor at the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice.

“Pretty much everybody who evaluates Social Security realizes there’s a problem … But the system is in significantly worse shape than their forecasts are indicating,” King
told the Harvard Gazette.


  1. Concerned RetireeMay 9, 2015 at 6:07 PM

    Illegals / Immigrants receiving money from SSI and never worked a day getting it because the Liberals giving it away to them and robbing SSI for pet projects. The Politians will get their retirement without interruption thou.

  2. didn't we know this all along. remember; governments always lie.

  3. Why do you think obamacare was implemeted? To shorten the lifespan of the elderly and sick by rationing care to them. Less ppl living old enough to collect.

  4. If you were an investment enterprise wanting to get approval for a retirement plan from a state regulatory agency based on the business model of the Social Security Retirement System, you would be laughed out of the office.

    Social Security is insolvent because it is a legalized Ponzi scheme created by an Act of Congress.

  5. there is an influx of Baltimorons asking for permanent disability after sustaining rotator cuff injuries throwing rocks last week

  6. Welfare is strong as ever..

  7. 8:40 That's not even the worst of it. Some of them are claiming to have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because they were so "upset" that they "had" to riot and loot. Look it up, it's hard to believe.

    Almost as ludicrous as the ridiculous "Post Traumatic Slave Disorder" they've invented, all in the name of "gittin' that check" of course.


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