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Thursday, May 21, 2015

'Slavery Is Over': Hired Ferguson Protesters Demand Pay

“Black Lives Matter” protesters who were apparently hired to cause a ruckus in Ferguson, Missouri, are angry because, they say, they haven’t been paid for their hard work.

So they’ve launched a #CutTheCheck hashtag on Twitter and held a sit-in at the offices of Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, or MORE – the successor group to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, in Missouri.

The protesters have received as much as $5,000 a month to generate civil unrest in the troubled suburb of St. Louis, according to FrontPage Mag’s Matthew Vadum.

Read more here


  1. Perhaps the president will make pay for their type of work an additional benefit of Obamacare. I would enjoy paying for that just like I enjoy paying for the crap that's included in it now.

  2. This is hilarious.SNL will have a field day with it.

  3. Thugs hired to loot, pillage, and plunder! They get paid to steal stuff!

  4. How absolutely dumb and ignorant can they possibly be? They really thought they were going to be paid to stand out there and shout obscenities and cause all the disruption. Stupid is as stupid does!

  5. So, have any of them paid taxes on this income?

    1. Or reported it as income to the welfare office!

  6. Every single one of the bastards who are throwing a fit about not getting paid to destroy and terrorize, should have their photo compared to all the Ferguson, Baltimore and similar riots. The cities, businesses and peacefu citizens who had their property destroyed by them, should be able to sue them personally as well as the MORE organization for damages. In addition they should be arrested and charged with the crimes they were caught on camera committing personally.

  7. 10:47 The Dems will reason that that money is from the government, collected via taxes on the private sector, therefor excluded from being taxed again. Oh, and maybe a "for the children" thrown in for good measure.

    For the people, it's a huge WIN. $5,000, tax free, to do what they already do on a daily basis.

  8. The organizers need to be held legally liable for the looting and destruction if they hired the "protesters."

  9. Let the NAACP pay them.

  10. Sounds like an audit is due this ACORN remainder.
    At which point, they'll declare bankruptcy, dissolve, walk away and reorganize under a new name.

  11. This would be a great Simpson's episode.


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