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Friday, May 01, 2015

Serial drunk driver who ‘crashed into mother and her child, 2, but was let off & kills boy, 6, two hours later

The decision to drive drunk is generally reviled in our society, and it’s because of lowlifes like this one. Blaine Boudreaux went on a drunk driving rampage, and the carnage he left in his wake left a six-year-old boy dead.

Police in Houston say a 34-year-old man got behind the wheel of his car while under the influence Sunday, leaving a path of destruction in his wake and killing two people, one of them a 6-year-old boy.

Blaine Boudreaux has been charged with intoxication manslaughter, intoxicated assault and failure to stop and render aid involving death in connection to at least three separate DUI collisions that took place within three hours in Houston.

Boudreaux, who also has an extensive DUI record in his native Louisiana, was allegedly drunk when he ran a red light on Lockwood Drive at around 6.3opm and slammed his Dodge pickup truck into a Honda Civic.

Joshua Medrano, 6, who was a passenger in the sedan, was fatally injured. His mother, Cynthia, was hospitalized with a punctured lung and broken bones.

Boudreaux was arrested at the scene after failing a field sobriety test.


1 comment:

  1. If he was back and had multiple arrests for dealing narcotics which may have killed people, it would not be a problem and his peeps would be marching n looting.


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