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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

School Boards

In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards.

Mark Twain


  1. I'm not sure about Mark Twain,but typically people with very little education continuously find fault with organizations comprised of those with a great deal of education.They spend the first part of their lives creating ways to avoid going to school and the rest of their lives hating those who pursued an educational goal.What is it about people with an advanced education that upsets the masses?

  2. And sometimes it is those well educated, well-heeled people in organizations that just can't and won't see BOTH sides of a problem and using that well educated pool, come up with well thought out plans that benefit EVERYONE instead of just a select portion in the Board of Education.

    The Wicomico County Board of Education is spiteful and spoiled always wanting their way no matter what. To hell with the taxpayers, they simply don't matter. And as far as the children, perhaps the well educated organization could use their vast knowledge and get the children textbooks that are current, and school supplies instead of laundering the money for yourselves.

  3. The school board's actions do not reflect on their outstanding educational knowledge. Perhaps taking some math and business courses could expand your abilities.

  4. Those who can, do.
    Those who can't, teach.
    Those who can neither do nor teach, administrate.

  5. I was told today that employees of Bd of Ed are at a conference where lunch was being held at Ruth Chris....free lunch. This employee works in environmental services...not just the so-called "top of the ladder". I'm not saying they don't deserve it, but Ruth Chris? How much does that cost us taxpayers?

    1. You know what Judge Judy says about hearsay!

  6. 134, GTH because you are one of the thieves...

    I'm with 223 - 435.

  7. It's not the advanced education, it's the perverted application of that knowledge by too many with little or no experience in the trenches who now reside at the top, a creation and blatant promotion of a higher learning bait and switch and a bastion for nepotism and greed, all in the name of what used to be education.

  8. If you're assuming the board of education is always given complete information, you need to think again. However, they do need to cut their losses.


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