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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Salisbury Mayor Irate Over Protest Tonight That Will Cancel "Pride Night"

Jim Ireton with his LOOK AT ME style just announced a protest that will take place in Downtown Salisbury tonight. 

Wednesday and Thursday night has typically been reserved for Pride Night but Ireton has requested that ALL businesses that would normally be open this evening close their doors. He has asked all Downtown residents to remain indoors all evening.

Ireton went on to say they will provide port a potties and additional trash cans to be prepared for what could be three people to literally hundreds. 

Ireton also implied that unlike the Mayor of Baltimore, he will be prepared should anything get out of line. 


  1. Liarton preparing for a military state its coming folks.

  2. I don't understand why Pride Nite could not have an honored guest show up.

    I would like to announce that we have several hundred guest tonite. They will not be buying anything. And by God if they get out of hand I have every available Cop that was not dragged out of town ready and waiting to teach them a lesson. Ironically the lesson is what they are protesting.

    So lets all put on our pink Jack boots and lets see what the queen mum has planned.


  4. My TAX money paying for police for non tax paying welfare idiots .

  5. Ireton will be handing out low income housing applications.

  6. Oh yeah! That's great....close our businesses and stay in the house. Is that what the innocent people should have to do? I don't think so! I am going to dinner downtown like I do every Wednesday night,and I will continue to live the way I have the right to. And to the businesses of downtown, please do not give in to the nonsense! Maybe it's time to start standing up to these idiot's!

  7. No, the truth hurts,it,s NOT coming,you have been listening too much to glen beck,rush,hannity and albero types instead of logical thinking and forming your own opinion.

  8. Hello friscoooooooApril 29, 2015 at 2:49 PM

    There will be numerous gay fights tonight thats y the cops will be there.

  9. what does the problem going on in Baltimore have to do with any of the people here all they want to do is go out and screw up peoples life they don't care what happen just as long as they can be a pain in the a___ they will also be as dumb as the UMES students and shout Hands UP dont Shoot when this problem has nothing do do with a shooting

  10. Providing port a potties? Please! If they have to go, they can find a bathroom or go on theirselves! And I hope the TV stations just ignore the whole thing and not show up. That is what keeps the fuel on these fires!!

    1. Problem is, they would just piss anywhere, on anything and anytime.

      Businesses sure don't want them shuffling in just to use the bathroom.

  11. Just think if this should escalate like it did in Baltimore the sheriff's department will have window tint to protect them!

  12. Idiot. Worried about trash cans n toilets. Why make it easy for them! He needs to tell business to board their windows up so people dont get outta hand and throw the trash cans that he provides for them. Yeah hes already more stupid then baltimore mayor.

  13. Who is laying odds that downtown Salisbury is going to get destroyed by some out of Towner's and Umes commies tonight? lIreton and Simple Huge pulling the strings

  14. So no port-a potties for 3rd Friday, but malicious protesters get them. Ok. Welcome to da 'bury.

  15. What group is heading up this march? Is it the NAACP? Is it local pastors? I would like to know. Why was the public not told until now??

  16. I think the mayor's office probably initiated this protest in order to bring attention downtown and to sway some tensions.

  17. Sheriff Mike is back in town. He and Tim will keep everything calm.
    Really I don't think those people would want to go up against the Red Necked Eastern Shore People. :)

  18. Yeah exactly like the mayor of Baltimore, he is giving them an area to destroy and providing port a potties to set fire and trash cans to throw. Genius!!

  19. well on a good note, maybe tonite the bums at Walgreen and giant can beg money from another area in salisbury! I may get my groceries without being accosted by bums that don't want to work,but want us that do work, to give them $. Thanks mayor.

  20. Getting' out the short barrel! Loadin' magazines and sheddin' tears for her mayorness not being able to gather her minions!

  21. just stay downtown is all I have to say

  22. Yes I agree with 3:24, I may try to go get my groceries at giant while that's going on downtown. Hope those beggars are told about the protest.

  23. Even if only 3 people show up, it will still be the Mayor's greatest achievement in promoting downtown.

  24. Not everyone has hatred in their hearts!

  25. I heard that the protest planned was a "die-in" protest. This is one where protesters lay on the ground in complete silence to spread awareness of a cause. I've seen them done on college campuses before and they're totally harmless. Just saying.

  26. Oh please 3:56. It's more like "Not everyone has an agenda in their hearts."
    Blacks prove time and time again that Black Lives DON'T Matter unless they can attach a racial agenda to it.
    If black lives mattered to them 8 people wouldn't have died in Princess Anne! His black family and friends, neighbors, if black lives mattered would have known a man can't take care of 7 kids. They would have been their helping him even if it meant they had to do without something themselves.
    These people are lying a lie because honesty a basic pillar of a civil society is not present in their lives. This is why the crime and poverty is so prevalent in black communities.

  27. WILL there be a Picture of the mayor on the portal potty i have a huge #2 to leave him.

  28. the thugs better pray they stay downtown because if they come to the burbs it wont be pretty.

  29. If they did destroy downtown, would anyone notice ?
    Nobody is down there anyhow.
    Hopefully the county police use the walled in space to trap and pull wanted criminals along with the some new ones.

  30. I would rather have protests then a bunch of gays on trays claiming pride night. There is not much pride in being gay I would think.

  31. JIM,


  33. Load up the sks and 12 guage if it gets outta hand I'll show up tonight downtown been looking for a reason start cleaning up the streets of salisbury and taken our nice town back

  34. jimmie wants his chance to be on national tv! hopefully he'll hand out job applications and they will go home. oh that's right there are no jobs in salisbury. Unless of course you are gay! lol!

  35. I think that most people that view and participate here on SBY News frankly don't give a crap about downtown Salisbury. I would gladly support businesses there if I had a carry permit.

  36. screw him and downtown

  37. this is called diversity, the thugs should get lots of hugs from the mayor and her queens

  38. I hope people send you pictures Joe so you can put them on here.

  39. Too bad the fire station is no longer downtown -- its now a watering hole for yuppies.

  40. gays vs thugs, my money is on the gays, they'll scratch their eyes out

  41. If they come to the burbs can you use lead shot? I mean there may be some migrating types in the crowd.

  42. When Ireton speaks, why do his hands flutter like a leaf in a hurricane?

  43. Will the police chief be there making Pizza???

    P IZZA

  44. where is sheriff shorty?

  45. Please probably be an improvement. jim your libtarded agenda is doomed to failure.

  46. "Pride" night? Is that when you flash your Richard (no nicknames here) in public in hopes it will attract another of the same gender. Sickos every one of them.

  47. Awwwwww Hug A THUG Night.

  48. E Church and surrounding neighborhoods are lusciously quiet and void of all drug deals for the time being.
    Its wonderful.

  49. SCREW the Mayor he is Anti Business unless its gay. I hope ALL the businesses stay OPEN.

    God bless ALL cops vets fd.


  51. I am disappointed by the lack of decorum in most of these comments. Plenty of haters on here. If someone wants to protest the actions of the Baltimore officers in the Gray case, they should go to Baltimore and protest civilly. Meet with the police chief, the AG for the state, propose an impartial to investigate. Our mayor is a fool and he has betrayed those who voted for him. Giving trash cans and portapotties to protesters is questionable for some of the reasons stated above.
    How many people will not earn a living tonight in Salisbury and in Baltimore because their businesses are closed because of the risk of violence. How is that fair. Want to protest in Salisbury, go stand in front of the police station where you are visible from the highway. The chief has invited you. Quit hurting working people and our city in the name of righteousness.
    When the Hispanic husband and father was murdered, there was a candlelight prayer vigil to bring the community together.

  52. 40 blacks will shoot 40 other blacks in chicago alone this weekend but black lives matter

  53. As a rationale black man stated on the news, if black lives matter to the protesters, why aren't they addressing the largest killers: black on black violence and abortion? Why would they burn a senior center in their community that it took years to build?
    Kudos to the mom who singled her son out and dressed him down. Heard her interview. Amazing and courageous woman.

  54. Seen a port a toilet by the courthouse for them.

  55. Locked and loaded, ready to assist SPD!

  56. Just took a ride downtown, nothing going on, a few people standing around, road blocked by Rt. 50 with a few policemen standing around by their cars.

  57. I cannot believe some of the hateful things I am reading here. Stop generalizing because YOU are part of the problem.

  58. I think everyone was scammed.

  59. 842
    Are u stuck in the porta potty???

  60. Heres what I find amusing.....do any of you live downtown? What if all hell did break loose? Now I seriously doubt anything would happen to be honest but like the guy or not he still has a job to do. If he didnt do anything and something happened he would be hung out to dry.......id like to see any one of you run a town .......and remember he was elected by the good people of salisbury........

    1. So 8:57 you think he showed good judgment by asking businesses to close early so that a group of protestors could be allowed to take over downtown? and was it good judgment to also provide port potties to them? Who is he working for?

  61. I don't understand how he can ask businesses to close early so some ppl can protest? Why did they have to close?

  62. 857 NO he was elected by welfare single liberal moms and idiot college kids.

  63. welfare crowd of the bury don't care about anyone but themselves. last protest only 5 people showed up. if anyone in the guberment had reflected on that fact this over reaction would have never happened.

  64. Ireton should be embarrassed for his response - a small group of people laying on the ground - how much OT has this cost? What about the lost revenue?

  65. That's clever, 8:55. You win. Nice comeback.

  66. Why was the mayor so afraid of a peaceful African American protest does he assume that it is going to turn violent is that why he put the police out in force

  67. Ever watch a child imitating an adult, doing what he thinks a grown up does? Funny if the child is five or younger but pathetic otherwise.

  68. Maryland is one of the worst states in the country - from the photo radar, to the psycho politician that wanted to jail parents that don't vaccinate, to the state troopers in their paramilitary gear, to the soccer club mafia (you club parents know what I mean), loss of gun rights (despite being next to the headquarters of the largest military industrial country on the planet) and now some kook politician shoving this gay crap up everyone's butts. I am live and let live, but get out of my face.

  69. Anonymous said...
    Just think if this should escalate like it did in Baltimore the sheriff's department will have window tint to protect them!

    April 29, 2015 at 3:01 PM

    The Salisbury Fire Department has more window tint on their command vehicles and all the old Crown Vic command vehicles. They went to that place in Delmar, Delaware to get the tint.

  70. Anonymous said...
    Oh please 3:56. It's more like "Not everyone has an agenda in their hearts."
    Blacks prove time and time again that Black Lives DON'T Matter unless they can attach a racial agenda to it.
    If black lives mattered to them 8 people wouldn't have died in Princess Anne! His black family and friends, neighbors, if black lives mattered would have known a man can't take care of 7 kids. They would have been their helping him even if it meant they had to do without something themselves.
    These people are lying a lie because honesty a basic pillar of a civil society is not present in their lives. This is why the crime and poverty is so prevalent in black communities.

    April 29, 2015 at 4:07 PM

    Heck one of their friends, neighbors or family members ratted them out for having a stolen electric meter. So you know they didn't care about black lives mattering.

  71. Anonymous said...
    So no port-a potties for 3rd Friday, but malicious protesters get them. Ok. Welcome to da 'bury.

    April 29, 2015 at 3:07 PM

    NO welcome to the world of stupid, ignorant Democrats that you people elected.

    It is the entitlement way of thinking. If I felt a serious threat I would have called on Governor Hogan to provide assistance just like he did in Baltimore. The reason that Gov. Hogan didn't declare a State of Emergency until he did is because the law states that the mayor to the said city(Jim Ireton or Rawlings-Blake) has to request it from the Governor. So now you see why Jim didn't go that route because he hates Republicans and he would rather your police officers get hurt before he asked for help from a Republican Governor. Jim Ireton hates Republicans so if your business burns down it's because Jim Ireton would rather it burn down then ask for help from a Republican Governor. If your property downtown is damaged or burnt down it's because Ireton hates Republicans and refuses to ask a Republican Governor for help. If your home would have burned down it's because Jim Ireton hates Republicans and refused to ask a Republican Governor for help. If you were seriously injured or killed it would have been because Jim Ireton hates Republicans and refuses to ask a Republican Governor for help.

    Guess what Jim Ireton wasted more of your hard earned tax dollars to pay for nothing because he hates Republicans. Jim Ireton knew that nearly 1,500 National Guard troops are on Stand By and all he needed to do was to ask the Republican Governor for some troops to come to Salisbury last night just as a precaution.

    Governor Hogan was waiting for that cop hating racist imbecile to call him so that he could declare a State of Emergency. The moment she finally called him he within 30 seconds he signed the executive order.

    The only reason that Governor Hogan was at the 3rd Friday event was because Jim Ireton was told by Jeannie Haddaway, the Governor's Intergovernmental Liaison, that he had to be nice to Governor Hogan if he wanted any of that $14 Million dollars in grant money he asked for to revitalize downtown. So how did Jim Ireton react? He welcomed the Republican Governor he hates in jeans and tennis shoes instead of at least a shirt and a tie. More proof that Jim Ireton hates Republicans, go to his Facebook page and check. He has no pictures of that 3rd Friday event with the Governor on his Facebook page. How do I know? Because I checked and I know for a fact that Chris Demone was their taking pictures the whole time. You know, Chris Demone, the buddy Jim Ireton hired to be his PIO with your tax dollars. Not one picture of Governor Hogan on his Facebook page. And guess what it's to late to go back and insert any of the pictures around that same timeline.

  72. Ireton is a buffoon. The people got just what they deserved voting this clown in. I have no desire to attack his sexuality. There is plenty of failed leadership to attack. This guy throws a literal hissy fit every time things do not go his way.

    How does the B.O.E. stand this asshat. Sorry Jim you just have no place in a leadership role. You really suck at. No pun intended.

  73. Someone said earlier:

    "Our mayor is a fool and he has betrayed those who voted for him."

    That is a mantra to repeat!


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