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Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Reforming Baltimore police will be time-consuming, costly

BALTIMORE (AP) — Months before Freddie Gray died of the broken neck he suffered during what Baltimore’s top prosecutor called an illegal arrest, the city’s mayor and police commissioner said the department needed reform and asked the Justice Department for help reviewing officer misconduct.

Now that Gray is buried, six officers are charged in his death and an uneasy calm has returned to the streets, critics are wondering whether city leaders are capable of implementing the change the city needs without the direct, intensive oversight that comes with a full-fledged civil rights investigation resulting in a federal consent decree.

Democratic Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has already pushed back against this possibility, saying it would deprive Baltimore’s leaders from having a say in fighting crime in one of the nation’s most violent major cities, with more than 200 homicides a year.



  1. They don't need to reform Baltimore police, they need to reform Baltimore

    1. Exactly! !! Start reforming the welfare system, the SSI system where people who NEVER worked a day in their pathetic lives are collecting. (THANKS BILL CLINTON ) And for the love of GOD the democratic party. How low can these in moral bums go?

  2. 514 has the grip. Work needs to have rewards or it will never happen. Past and present rules have given us today's fruits.

    Maybe we need to fix the tree.

    Permanent welfare needs to end in 6 months.

    Or now.

    They are very resourceful people and will survive just fine,then they will become part of the productive world.


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