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Saturday, May 09, 2015

Punishment For City Students Caught Rioting May Be On Hold

Punishment promised for city students involved in the riots connected to the death of Freddie Gray may be on the way. But several groups of children’s rights advocates are banding together, asking school leaders to put the punishments on hold.

Gigi Barnett has more.

Police say many of the rioters in a crowd seen fromSky Eye Chopper 13 throwing bricks and rocks at city officers during the Freddie Gray protests are teens. Some of them allegedly left school early to clash with police.

School leaders scoured videotape, trying to identify the students involved, promising swift justice.

“We had some kids leave here before the bell, and that’s not acceptable. They will be certainly punished for that,” said Baltimore City Schools’ CEO Gregory Thornton.

But not so fast, Baltimore City Schools.

“If you kick them out of school, where are they going to go? They’re going to be home. Idle minds,” said Nikki Harris.



  1. Yes, we must not punish them for what they do. It's a philosophy for school and for society.

  2. This only lets the kids know they have the administration by the balls, and can riot anytime they damn well please.

    Is that your goal, or is punishment in order?

    I guess it's riot time, then! Go, kids! Here's a torch!

  3. On one hand, I don't believe schools should assume the right to "punish" kids for any behavior off school property. Although cutting class to go looting and committing crimes is a different story.

    It should be the police examining the photos and video, to identify those who were looting, destroying property and Running amok. But that would make the numbers look bad, Can't have the "youths" disparately arrested.

  4. so getting an education and advancing yourself in society must be acting white. things will never change for this self victimized group!
    Ghetto is as ghetto does.

  5. See that's the problem with kids these days..no consequences for bad choices..except drinking

  6. they will probably get extra credit for that extracurricular activity

  7. We are more worried about them having left school early, than we are about them trying to injure police officers with bricks and stones?


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