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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Proposed Hybrid Residential District Banning Short-Term Rentals Moves To Public Hearing

OCEAN CITY – Drafted legislation that would establish an R-1A Single Family Residential District in Ocean City and prohibit short-term rentals was forwarded to public hearing this week in advance of the Mayor and City Council making a final decision.

At the end of last summer, Ocean City experienced a growing number of rental concerns and complaints. There were a couple of public hearings held before the commission to consider a potential amendment to the City Code regarding the R-1 Single Family Residential District and MH Mobile Home Residential District for the purpose of regulating short-term and long-term rentals to protect the character and compatibility of the districts as single-family neighborhoods.

The public hearings came on the heels of growing complaints over rental properties. According to the city, there are 3,845 parcels included in the R-1 and MH districts with 276 of those obtaining rental licenses. Between 2013 and now, there have been 67 complaints logged in those areas over 19 months. Only 13 properties received complaints, which is 4 percent of the total number of 276. The complaints received are primarily from residents of the Mallard Island subdivision.



  1. They who come into TOWN for a few days act really stupid and crazy....

    Create Police response and trash the place...

  2. Retirees are moving in and going to ruin it for rentals just like they done in Bethany,Dewey and Fenwick.


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