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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Prepare Your Homes And Neighborhoods For The Violence That Is Going To Sweep America

The thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted on a daily basis is beginning to disappear

I don’t know if you have noticed, but violence is increasing on the streets of America. Over Memorial Day weekend, 29 people were shot in Baltimore and 55 people were shot in Chicago. But of course the trend that I am talking about is much broader than that. According to the FBI, the number of police officers “feloniously killed” in the line of duty rose by an astounding 89 percent in 2014. We live at a time when Americans are becoming extremely angry and extremely frustrated, and this is only going to intensify as economic conditions worsen. But already we have seen some of this anger and frustration boil over into violence in Ferguson and in Baltimore. And you know what? The vast majority of Americans expect more of the same in the coming months. According to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey that was recently released, 96 percent of all Americans believe that there will be more civil unrest in America this summer. What we have seen up until now is just the warm up act. The main event is still to come.

If things are this bad already, how bad will they be when the next great economic crisis hits this nation and unemployment skyrockets and poverty is everywhere?

That is why I am encouraging people that currently live in the heart of our major cities to consider moving. Unfortunately, most Americans are completely dependent on the jobs that they currently have, so moving is not really a practical option for a lot of people.

For those that cannot move, you are just going to have to get prepared right where you are. That means making your home and your family as unattractive a target to potential criminals as you possibly can. The goal should be to avoid a violent confrontation if at all possible. So you will want multiple layers of security between you and those that would potentially harm you and your family. You want to try to deter the bad guys from ever coming on to your property in the first place, but if they do come, you need to be ready to deal with them.

At the moment, we are still in the midst of relatively stable economic times. But even in these relatively stable times, violence is escalating. Just consider what happened in Baltimore over the recent holiday weekend. A grand total of 29 people were shot…

Police say 29 people were shot, 9 of them killed over this weekend, adding to the record-breaking violence.

The shooting didn’t stop on Monday night after a 9-year-old boy and another man were both injured by gun fire in the 2900 block of Arunah Avenue. Police say the child was shot in the leg and another man suffered a graze wound to the head.



  1. Buy 3 1/2 inch 12 gauge magnum shells, for goose hunting. Why? They hold 46- 22 cal. steel balls, which turns your legal shotgun into a machine gun, firing 46 bullets with one shot! Great for crowd control.

  2. I don't exactly consider myself a "prepper" but I do keep seeds, extra food and water and some cash that I've stashed in my home.

    I have no doubt this country is going to see more violence before things settle. As a Christian I never thought the Rapture would come in my lifetime but as things are moving along I'm not so sure any more.

  3. BRING IT ON BRO...Got something For Ya BRO

  4. You will not know when the Rapture comes because it will come so fast you wont know it so now is the time to be ready.

  5. When the local sheriff is telling you that they are becoming afraid...it is time to consider an alternative to protecting yourself. When the boys in blue are holding back...you better be prepared.

  6. thank allah that obammy has created a sense of peace in this country, maybe jerry miah wright has helped. now lets bow to the east

  7. come and get, it dinner is ready , prime lead.

  8. Stack em like fire wood. I say lets get it on and over.

  9. Its inevitable and its overdue....
    Now, tell me again, why are law-abiding, taxpaying citizens DENIED the right to carry a weapon?
    Oh that's right. My bad.
    The Constitution is not applicable to "we, the people" any longer.
    THAT has no good ending, but especially for those who are "interpreting" it for their own agenda.
    We are going to fix all that very soon.
    In the meantime, the rest of you helpless cheerleaders should just
    keep cheering.

    1. So, how exactly are you going to "fix" anything? By pounding on your computer keyboard and puffing your chest out on here, like usual?


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