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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Police Retraining

Now let me see if I have this right. 
There's no guidance or discipline in the home.  The family situation is so unstable, 'Junior' doesn't even know where or to whom to send a Father's Day card.  Junior gets dumped into the education system where he is socially promoted because the overwhelmed school district can't deal with the undisciplined whelp.  Junior's major formative influences are 'gangsta' rap videos and a corresponding peer group of gangsta wannabes.
At age 18, Junior is turned loose on society carrying a bad attitude, a broken compass and little respect for authority.  Junior gets himself in big trouble with the law and meets dire consequences.   Then, the situation diagnosis is that the police need more training and understanding?
Pardon me for asking, but do you really believe this bullsh!t?


  1. When were police officers given the power of Judge and jury?

    1. They weren't but they are left to deal wit the result of the aforementioned situation. When these imbecile kids act out with violence and the police respond to arrest them, these kids want to fight. What do you expect the police to do? They use force to bring the situation under control. Thats their job. Police work is a contact sport. Then these kids want to scream about their rights being violated. They scream that they are harassed and abused. And then the liberals in society want to complain that the police are being oppressive and abusive. I think thepolice should just relax and tell the people who need to be arrested that they are under arrest. If the people start resisting, the police should back off and give them room to do what they want. Like the mayor of Baltimore said. Anarchy would ensue in less than 6 months. Law enforcement is this country's last line of defense against anarchy before another revolutionary war. Many of you want them to do the job but then complain because you THINK you know the law but really don't. You see a video that doesn't really tell the story and jump to the conclusion that the officer was wrong. Live one shift in their shoes and your tune would very likely change.

  2. Maybe the thugs should have had Home Training

  3. 6:28 since the sissy liberal laws took real corporel punishment out of schools, since the family unit's dysfunction has splilled over into the school system, and since no one in society wants to take responsibility - its natural that it falls on the shoulders of the police. Who the hell else is going to to it? you? yeah. that's what I thought?

  4. "Anonymous said...
    When were police officers given the power of Judge and jury?

    May 11, 2015 at 6:28 AM"

    What are you, some kind of simpleton or something? It's in their job description and they've always been given the power. When the situation calls for it they most certainly can be and are judge, jury and executioner.
    This is exactly what the thugs are forgetting, so they run, act up, try to steal cops guns and as soon as that happens there is a good chance the cop is going to react, which in case you have forgotten or never need it IS in their power.
    If you don't like it, do something about it. You and all your ilk are free to go and join a PD and you can do it your way. See where that gets you.

    1. So running from a policeman is now punishable by death? Maybe I am a simpleton, but I didn't know that if you "act up" you should be shot dead on the street. Is this acceptable?

    2. "Act Up"? Thats a broad term. Limited only to the imagination. Yes...their actions do sometimes justify the use of deadly force.

  5. How much did you pay for those shoes?

  6. It is called "the thin blue line"...separating civil society from potential anarchy. It is so easy to armchair quarterback what cops should or should not do on the job.

    Trouble is coming your way...and you simply do not have enough bullets. What happens when nobody signs up for these jobs? Well, what would happen if nobody picked up the trash?

  7. We have a paid position regarding too many minority students committing infractions in our schools. Schools must reduce referrals and penalties for this subgroup. Perhaps the teachers and administrators aren't the ones to blame. We might want to consider the possibility that the kids accused are actually guilty.

    1. Wow....what a novel concept. The truth is that some of these kids are classified as having a learning disability in order to reduce the number of referrals. Thats right! If you are black and come from a single parent home and act out, you will be determined to have an anger management issue which will be classified as a learning disability. Yay!! Then you will get special treatment and be rewarded for being disruptive in class. All of this so that the BOE can continue to bring federal dollars to the system.

  8. The telling quotation from 7:39 is "When the situation calls for it....."
    THIS is the crux of the problem with today's police force --- overly aggressive, militaristic, WE ARE THE POLICE!!!, combat trained and still combat ready people who thing every movement is a life threatening action and every word said to them must be delivered with humility and subservience as if we aren't allowed to insult, disrespect, and demean them. THAT is a RIGHT (repeat that back to yourself again) guaranteed to "we, the people".
    If a police officer has such a thin skin that he/she can't get cursed at, yelled at, and insulted WITHOUT starting a 5 against 1 fight or shooting someone, then they are IN THE WRONG JOB. They have failed to properly evaluate "the situation" and let their temper or poor judgment (knowing how hard it is to get a cop to be personally responsible for killing/beating/maiming) allow them to ERRONEOUSLY become the self appointed "judge, jury, and executioner".
    Police USED to do things like MINIMIZE confrontation, use discretion in the use of force, and respect citizens rights.
    NOW, police TAKE CLASSES (!!) on how easy it is to kill citizens (whose idea was THAT???) and will beat you to death for the wrong words. Or shoot you in the back.
    And "rights"???
    Public masters only know the rights they ALLOW us to use and the Constitution means NOTHING to them. And further, those "rights" mean nothing to State's Attorneys and judges.
    Public SERVANTS is what police are.
    They just can't recall what that term means anymore.

  9. Police are an enforcement branch of govt. The punishment is handled by the judicial branch of govt. Kops seemed to have forgotten this.

  10. 0.04% of blacks killed are killed by LE. 99.9% of the 0.04% are determined to be justified.
    It's not a problem unless you are a low information person or you have a personal vendetta.

  11. ""enforcement"" branch of govt."_LOL
    There's no such thing as an "enforcement" branch of government.
    Executive, Legislative and Judicial are the branches of government.
    Ignorance such as this is what this country is coming to.
    Please do not even tell me you've multiplied. Low IQ is an inherent trait.

  12. 1:11 sanctimonious BS.
    The Executive branch IS responsible for the ENFORCEMENT of the law, among other duties.
    So, someone who says they are the "enforcement" branch of the government is NOT an idiot, but apparently knowledgeable about the separation of powers under the Constitution.
    Ignorance of the Constitution, I agree, is really hurting our country, but when it comes from those IN POWER, it's REALLY disturbing.
    I refer you to the Patriot Act, The NDAA, and many other unbelievable actions brought to life by the LEGISLATIVE branch, enforced wholeheartedly by the EXECUTIVE branch, and gleefully rubberstamped by the JUDICIAL branch. Did I get that right so far??
    ALL to the detriment of the ones who GAVE them that power -- you cheerleading, Nazi wanna-be, freedom destroying cheerleaders.
    And yes, I've multiplied.
    "We, the people" will be seeing you soon. Cleaning house, so to speak.

  13. 1:11 A tree has many branches. If the branches of government are only 3 Executive, Legislative and Judicial, where do the branches of the Military fit in?


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