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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Pilot who landed gyrocopter at U.S. Capitol facing 6 charges

WASHINGTON (AP) - A Florida man who piloted a gyrocopter through miles of America's most restricted airspace before landing at the U.S. Capitol is now facing charges that carry up to 9½ years in prison.

The U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia said Wednesday in a statement that a grand jury has indicted Douglas Hughes on six charges. He is scheduled to appear Thursday in federal court in Washington.

Hughes said in a telephone interview Wednesday afternoon that he had arrived in Washington and would be making a statement after his appearance in court.



  1. Let him go. It was a demonstration of a political nature. So fine him the cost of giving him his gyro back and call it an embarrassing day for those keenly aware
    white house Goons that hold the iron curtain up around the WH.

    OH, and failed miserably in front of God and everybody!


  2. WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE....should be his excuse...

  3. Time for Jury nullification!

    All it takes is one juror and he's free!

    Defy the government - tell them it's a stupid law.

    This was civil disobedience!

    Rise up America - this is a non-violent method that is actually in some states laws!


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