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Friday, May 01, 2015

One Man’s Riot

Consider the following scenarios. In Ferguson, Missouri, a young black man fights with a cop and ends up dead. In Cleveland, Ohio, cops approach a black 12- year-old with an Airsoft gun tucked in his waistband. The boy reaches for the pistol and ends up dead. In Staten Island, New York, a black man selling loose cigarettes on the street resists arrest and ends up dead. In North Charleston, South Carolina, a 50- year-old black man ends up dead after bolting from his car and allegedly attempting to take an officer’s Taser. In Baltimore, Maryland, a young black man with a switchblade in his pocket runs from the cops and ends up dead.

Each of these stories has a vital common element. Can you identify it?

If you said, “Cops all around the country are killing black men,” then you probably watched last night’s violence in Baltimore with a fair amount of sympathy for the rioters. To you, burning down your own city is a legitimate expression of rage against institutionalized racism and unrestrained police brutality. You understand why Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said she wanted to give the rioters “space” to destroy property. To you, the indignities suffered by black men at the hands of the police have gone on too long. You nod your head in something like agreement when you hear Morehouse College professor Marc Lamont Hilltell CNN host Don Lemon: “We’ve been dying in the streets for months, years, decades, centuries. I think there can be resistance to oppression.” To you, the time for resistance has finally arrived.



  1. NOT a switchblade.

  2. More whites killed by police each year. Look at Uniform Crime Report The UCR tells another story. Don't drink the kool aid people. This is Ohbamas war. It is about Black failure to thrive in a system that has held them back. It was a pipe dream to believe this was not coming. History is has a tendency to repeat itself. A civil war is coming. It will destroy this country as we know it. Sad times

  3. It was "Eye contact", not a switchblade, and the never displayed knife was legal.

    Let's get the facts straight before going in to this fray.

  4. These incidents are a staged national black flag op by the leftist administration and its community organizations tentacles..This is treason!!!! An attempt to divide us, create hostility and rebellion. I call BS.. The 2013 FBI Uniform Crime Report, a compilation of annual crime statistics, 83 percent of white victims were killed by white offenders; 90 percent of black victims were killed by black offenders; 14 percent of white victims were killed by black offenders; and 7.6 percent of black victims were white offenders.

  5. What did all these have in common?

    They all had a history of aggression, anti-social:criminal behavior and a demonstrated contempt towards authority, the police in particular. Read the backstory on every one of 'em.

    They all had a propensity for violence or aggression, yes, including little 175lb Tamir Rice. And that's going to affect how an altercation goes down, period.

    Turns out being a swaggering bully or belligerent oaf is bad for one's life expectancy. Perhaps the trait will start dwindling from the gene pool...a good thing for everybody.


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