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Friday, May 29, 2015

O’Malley 2016 supporters launch super PAC

ANNAPOLIS — Supporters of former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley announced the formation a super PAC on Thursday to raise money to help his expected presidential campaign.

The launch of Generation Forward came two days before a scheduled news conference in Baltimore, where O’Malley, the city’s former mayor, is set to announce his plans for the 2016 Democratic primary.

“We cannot choose to go back to the politics of the 20th century,” said Damian O’Doherty, CEO of the Washington-based PAC and a longtime O’Malley supporter. “We need new leadership for the 21st century.”



  1. Do his supporters understand the consequences of his policies? Why on earth would they support him? Are they communists?

  2. No not communist just the MSEA , the teachers union.

  3. No 3:15 just stupid ignorant libtarded democrats..

  4. 3:15 The more liberal one is... the more money that flows to the supporters pockets.

  5. Perhaps most of the black neighborhoods need to show up in full to ask him why he failed them during his multi-terms in office. They need to ask him why they aren't better off??? Let's see how he lies his way out of that confrontation.

    O'Malley is just as much a looser as those he has taxed, and kept down all these years with all HIS FAILED POLICIES.

    Can the blacks get their answer??? Will they even care???? Do their lives matter??? Can they make their stand with o'malley??

  6. Yep..That's what he will be doing after the primaries...super Pac...N his bags. a fool and his money are soon parted

  7. Yahhh! A NATIONAL rain tax! Elect O'Dummy!!!.


  8. If they had food, good bet Slick Ricky was there. Who knows - he could end up as a cabinet secretary.


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