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Sunday, May 17, 2015

‘Off-the-Grid’ Parents Lose Custody of 10 Kids

Following a Monday court hearing, a Kentucky couple living what they call a “simple, back-to-basics life” in a rural, off-the-grid shack has lost custody, at least temporarily, of their 10 children. Joe and Nicole Naugler — who are expecting an 11th child in October — will remain under investigation by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS), while their kids, ranging in age from 3 months to 15 years old, will stay in the agency’s custody.

“Although we are sad our children will not be returned to us today, we have nothing to hide,” Joe Naugler wrote on the family’s Facebook page, Blessed Little Homestead. “We have cooperated with all requests made to us by CHFS and will continue to do so. We are confident that throughout this process, Nicole and I will be shown to be the good parents that we are and that our family will be reunited.”

The court’s decision came several days after authorities removed the children from their home, following an anonymous police complaint about the family’s living conditions — which allegedly include residing under a crude tarp construction, having no heat or running water, and having no septic system (which the Nauglers dispute). But many of their supporters believe they’re being targeted for their lifestyle, which includes living off the power grid, birthing children at home, and relying on “unschooling,” which is a less structured approach to homeschooling.



  1. Well, now there are 12 more people here in the U.S. that have lost their respect for the gov't, the judicial system & LE.
    Keep it up you sanctimonious assholes and you're going to get that civil war you're preparing for. But be advised, widows will be made on your side, too. You will not walk over Americans as you've done in the third world, we will fight back relentlessly and your losses are going to startle you.

  2. No heat? No running water? No SEPTIC SYSTEM???
    SO F'ing WHAT!
    Hundreds of millions of humans have had the same conditions and not only survived, but flourished.
    A complaint not proven yet lets the State take children from their parents, as if the State has a great record of helping children, huh?
    Where do these wanna-be Nazi's come from?
    How do they acquire such power and authority??
    Oh yeah. That's right. YOU allowed them. YOU let bureaucrats attain more power than your elected officials and they wield that power like they answer to no one, ESPECIALLY "we, the people".
    No one knows what the spark will be that finally sets off the population to take back what they have surrendered and what has been taken by nefarious and illegal means. But, I'm thinking that 9:43 has the general feeling down pretty good.
    "We, the people" are, every day, becoming more and more disenfranchised, discouraged, disillusioned, disgusted, and dangerous.
    Isn't it more clear to you each day why the government has stockpiled billions of rounds of high powered ammunition, stocked even podunk back woods police departments with military grade equipment and weapons, and now has the civilian police and the U.S military training IN U.S. cities on how to suppress insurrection?
    Its not YOUR safety they have in mind --- its their own.
    Keep cheering.

  3. American freedom ?

  4. They should this is not the caveman era.

    1. How they choose to live is none of your business. Mind your own business and stay out of that of others and you will be much better off. Who died and made you God?

  5. Another case of government blatantly interfering in our lives. This is not the America that our Founding Fathers established. And most of our youth have no clue as to what the Constitution and Bill of Rights allow and disallow.

  6. 7:20 if they want to live off the grid that is their right. you do not have the right to tell them how to live

  7. 934 The LAW is the children have to be home schooled or be in public or pvt school Period even though obama is making this country a 3rd world country.

  8. Ginn/Mclian

    hypocrites? yes because if the above idiots walked in a apt and seen no water no toilet no proper protection fro weather they would be calling 911 and child welfare at the drop of a dime HYPOCRITES.

  9. I really have had about enough of this crap. 720...you are a moron. We have the right to live naturally if we want. This is the government controlling peiole and trying to make them dependant on them for everything. When yhey come take your kids for walking down the street or speak8ng out about something...maybe you will get it then

  10. 7:20 is undoubtedly a liberal reject incapable of making a decision on their own. He/she needs the government to tell them how to live. Suck it up cupcake your opinion matters not at all to anyone capable of thinking for themselves.

  11. 10:01...you need to take some logic classes, or maybe some critical thinking courses.
    You compare an apartment with being out in the country? And the conditions are the same?
    I'm no hypocrite, but I'm pretty sure you are an imbecile.
    You also, by about a mile, missed the point. Read the rest of the replies to see if you can find a
    Then, get back to cheering.

  12. 10:01AM,

    Reread 10:41AM's post., then finish my reply.

    If, after reading my initial post, there is any doubt in your mind that I would contact ANY gov't agency over a ANY domestic (look that word up and digest it's real meaning) issue then you are truly as dumb as you seem. Gov't has absolutely NO business in an issue such as this. Least of all one that exists solely "in the interest of children".

  13. I can't get the nagging thought out of my head that this may be some degenerate liberal Democrat's dagger at Rand Paul. It is exactly the type of sickening depraved tactic that Obama/Hilary/Reid/any Democrat would devise and use. To take a family of a dozen pawns and throw them under the bus for political gain is precisely what I'd expect.

  14. The only losers in this whole mess are the children. First they are being raised by inconsiderate (to say the least/minimal degree of their self centered actions) and Second ...the authorities are taking these children out of all they have ever known and placing them with strangers. BUT WHO IS TO BLAME HERE?????? Parents who chose to live like slobs and steal water and beat their children (yes, the oldest has testified to this) are to be punished for their actions. Get over it you liberal bleeding hearts...the children are the only thing that matter in this stomach turning issue. This would not even be an issue if it were not for neglect and physical abuse. Anyone on the side of these parents are other parents who are totally self centered as well. VOMIT

  15. I was waiting for the boot-licking cheerleaders to come here to scream "its about the CHILDREN, for God's sake!!"
    Its about a LOT more than that.
    You want to worry about "the children" and have ANY credibility?
    Start bitching about the millions of kids being raised by single mothers who can't take the time to help them read or write, let them run the streets until 3AM on a school night, throw rocks at police, and have a 70% chance of being a prisoner in the system.
    The kids in Kentucky are not in danger and probably have better life skills than any illiterate ghetto punk in the nation.
    It's all about the kids, huh?
    Keep your holier-than-thou, self-righteous, I-know-what's-best-for everyone, busybody BS to yourself.
    That goes for the "authorities", too.
    Or keep cheering. Sounds like that's what you are really good at, anyway.


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