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Saturday, May 02, 2015

Obama Administration Says Non-Profit Status ‘Going to Be an Issue’ for Religious Schools If They Don’t Support Gay Marriage!!

Not satisfied with persecuting Chaplains in the military and trying to strip all Christian references from the ranks… not satisfied with businesses being sued and fined for refusing gay advances… not satisfied with bullying churches and nuns into offering abortions through Obamacare… Obama now turns to persecuting religious schools. If they teach that marriage is the union between a man and a woman, they will lose their non-profit tax-exempt status. It’s now time for all those that are Christian, religious leaders and pastors to proclaim, “We will not obey!Long past due in fact.

From The Daily Signal:

Is the Obama administration about to wage war on religious schools?

One of the more startling portions of oral arguments today at the Supreme Court was the willingness of the Obama administration’s Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, to admit that religious schools that affirm marriage as the union of a man and a woman may lose their non-profit tax-exempt status if marriage is redefined.

Justice Samuel Alito asked Verrilli whether a religious school that believed marriage was the union of husband and wife would lose their non-profit tax status.

The solicitor general answered: “It’s certainly going to be an issue. I don’t deny that. I don’t deny that, Justice Alito. It is it is going to be an issue.”

This should not be an issue. Citizens and organizations that continue to believe the truth about marriage should not be penalized by the government.

Even if the Court says that all 50 states have to recognize a same-sex relationship as a marriage, there is no reason why the government should coerce or penalize institutions of civil society that simply ask to be free—without penalty—to continue to operate in accordance with the belief that marriage is a union of husband and wife.

This line of questioning between Alito and the solicitor general picked up on a theme that Justice Antonin Scalia had started with the lawyer representing the same-sex couples suing the states.



  1. 1st admendment trumps all..to ensure protection make a specific exemption to the law if passed for " religions". Its not just against christian religions. So it would be illegal to teach natural science then? This is foolish

  2. Just like the racist Obama to hold someone Hostage!

  3. He has "NO" religion but his muslim friends ,there he pretends to worship Allah . He is an atheist because he believes in nothing but himself as ruler. Sounds a lot like Hitler.

  4. More blackmail from our BULLY in chief.


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