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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Mosby Aims High with New Program Promising Jobs & Education in Lieu of Convictions

Baltimore City State’s Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, announced a new pilot program Thursday aimed at reducing Baltimore’s recidivism and unemployment rates. Mosby’s Aim to B’more launched May 4th. Mosby’s pilot program is open to 30 eligible participants, who are non-violent— first time— felony drug offenders. Each participant will have their record expunged after successful completion of the program.

Deborah Spector, Deputy Director of Crime Control and Prevention, spent the last four months building the program under the direction of Mosby. Spector was recruited to the office in January, and is a former public defender who spent nearly 20 years representing the poor in Howard County and Baltimore City.

Mosby’s Aim to B’more is modeled after a nationally successful program model that is proven to both reduce recidivism rates and save tax dollars. After her win in last year’s Democratic primary, Mosby visited District and State Attorney offices around the country including: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and San Francisco. Experts lauded Attorney General Kamala Harris’ (D- CA) version of the program in California as a holistic approach to solving systemic issues within the criminal justice system.



  1. More liberal dribble from another commie operative. The only program that can possibly work is mandatory sterilization of parasites. As long as they are paid to multiply (by the government with taxpayers money), the problem will continue to increase exponentially.

  2. 30 thugs get a break , what about the other 300,000 looters.

  3. This is such a farce. I know of a foundation that looked into one of these types of programs, when the program applied for a grant. The only reason these programs appear to be successful is because most first time offenders don't re-offend.
    The recidivism rate so often talked about and quoted is the prison recidivism rate.

  4. Mosby and husband are the epitome of what a failure affirmative action is. They are nothing more than useful idiots for the uncivilized losers who adore them.
    The black race is in for a rude awaking allowing garbage like the mosby's to represent them.
    He called on "Baltimore born rappers to inspire city students" yesterday.
    Instead of calling on teachers, nurses, doctors, accountants, etc to inspire students this useless thing called a councilman calls on rappers.

  5. She does NOT decide the outcome. The JUDGE does.

  6. Judge will go along or be audited by the IRS.


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