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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady

Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady.

Obama, speaking to graduates at Tuskegee University in Alabama, described insensitive media questions and derogatory remarks from political pundits that she said have kept her up at night.

“You might remember the on-stage celebratory fist bump between me and my husband after a primary win that was referred to as a ‘terrorist fist jab,’ ” she said.


  1. She's such a liar. She has said a number of times, when asked about bad publicity that she didn't know about it, because she doesn't read or listen to the pundits, listen to or read the news.
    She's the perfect example of all wrong in black communities. The most important pillar of a civilized society is nonexistent. That pillar is honesty.

  2. 'emotional toll'?? lol! give me a break

  3. This duo has placed an even larger toll on our country, the one Obama dislikes.

  4. Yeah,Moochelle, we all feel your pain. Poor thing, barely able to sleep at night.

    Me,too, when I worry about you,which is never.

  5. Pooooooor little Moochella she had such a hard life in Ivy league schools and on the OPPOSITE end of Chicago dealing with a pot head Husband ? Queen of the race Baiters.

  6. we went from , i am black and im proud ,to u be haters so give it up sucka , in 2 generations !

  7. This is wrong. This is a commencement ceremony and not a racial political statement. She should have focused an the students accomplishments and a road to the future. Those students deserved better for their achievements, than to her babbling about herself. What a sad excuse for a First Lady.

  8. The current first family DEFINITELY had an emotional toll on me and my family.

    I thought Billy Beer and peanuts was bad. Nothing like this!

  9. Pay no attention to it. It's so envious and jealous of whites, it getting pretty darn funny. It needs to suck it up. It ain't white and it's never going to be white.

  10. She always Pushes the "RACE" card. Who's money was she getting for her tuition, loans, grants, pell grants and minority loans / grants for a few examples? The White mans money most likely.
    Who is paying for all the luxuries she is getting and taking those luxurious trips she is taking? Tax payers which is probably 85% paid by the White man who pays the most taxes.
    She diffidently has a reason to complain about "RACISM" against her.

  11. Her, Holder, and her husband are such whiney bitches

  12. It's hard for her to be happy when her husband is cheating on her with Larry Sinclair.

  13. cry me a river. I can only wish I have it a rough as she did / does!
    totally clueless!

  14. Pig in lipstick!

  15. If you have it sooooo bad, pack up the entire family and move to Africa.

  16. poor me. i would be glad to compare wordrobe and vaction

  17. Shameless and disgraceful. Thanks libs you have outdone yourselves. Hope your proud.

  18. it's much more of a toll on us micheal.

  19. her husband Barrack Hussan OBama got his college using foreign student aide and loans which were illegal if he was an American Citizen. That is White money.

  20. In reality, I think the American people have had enough. The problem lies in the mentality of the voters. The way to solve this issue is that if you live on the government in any form of welfare, you can not vote. People will always vote for someone who will give them something without working for it.

  21. Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!


  22. Think she should take another luxury vacation to get herself composed. /sarc off

  23. She is a female rev. Wright. She is preaching hatred. It wont be long now people prepare thy self it is coming. You will have to choose a side. Brothers will kill brothers. This will be far worse then the civil war of past. It is scary and sad. It is coming though trust me they let it free I just hope they understand the total ramifications.

    Maybe they should go west and ask the Indians what happened when they played that stupid game. No one wins it just comes back fifty or a hundred years later with a new cause. Whites are not trying to pick a fight they take our tolerance as weakness. The white population when called upon will react swiftly and deadly trust me. Stupid to open the lions den.


  24. Kinda makes you yearn for the days of the steadfast resolve of Barbara Bush, and the class of Laura Bush, doesn't it?

  25. Aw, poor baby! Not quite two years from now you'll be able to move into your Magnum PI mansion in Hawaii and join the lecture circuit and hide $$millions in a foundation dedicated to "action".

  26. So I wonder if she was at a WHITE COLLEGE would she have made the same statements??? I think not, she is just as arrogant as her husband and a racist. She should feel honored to be the first the first lady not make it sound like it has been a problem for her. Poor Michelle she has had it rough, LOL Hillary had it a lot rougher than you LOL

  27. My 97 year old grandmother said something that really hit home for me. I never thought about all the Union soldiers that perished fighting for the freedom of Africa Americans. Thousands of White men died in the Civil War. You will never hear a Black thank all the families that lost loved one fighting for their freedom. Many White families fought against one another.

    When is it enough. Black America has never said thank you. All they do is complain about White entitlement. Dear First Lady maybe in the future you give respect to all the White people that died for you. This country stood tall and freed people from slavery. It is the behavior of Black America that has fueled racism in the decade. You and your husband have ignited the fire of racism in America today.

    If you hate this country so much please feel free t go back to Africa where Black on Black violence is the norm just like here in America. Try speak to that matter. Stop your brothers and sisters from killing one another. Speak to the masses of Black Americans who refuse to work. Speak the millions of young Black women having numerous children with various fathers. When this changes I am sure all Americans will take a new view.


  28. What a crock!

    Two Ivy League degrees (and they had to have been gratis given her demographic) and still grinding the same old screed.

    Go away.


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