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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

MICHAEL SAVAGE NEWSLETTER: Obama is already drawing up plans to ban the criticism of Islam

Welcome to “The Michael Savage Newsletter,” your daily insider report on all things “Savage.”

In today’s issue: Dr. Savage notes that it isn’t just the left that is blaming Pamela Geller for the thwarted Muslim terror attack on her “Draw Muhammad” event in Garland, Texas.

He points out that two major hosts on “conservative” Fox News have also adopted the same cowardly line of argument.

“I’m in the free speech business, so it’s something I know a lot about,” Savage reminded his listeners.

As far as the Pamela Geller event in Texas, I see that Bill O’Reilly and Greta Van Sustern are bending over backwards to blame her for the attack.

They should be ashamed of themselves, but then again, they’ve always been fronts for the progressive Islamic establishment.

Prince Alwaleed of Saudi Arabia still owns 18 percent of Fox News, if I’m not mistaken.

Bill and Greta don’t attack the Islamic murderers.

They don’t attack the religion that put hatred in the minds of these throwbacks.

No, they attack Geller for provoking them.

Of course she provoked them, to show the world what they’re capable of if they aren’t constrained.

Today it’s cartoons of Muhammad, but what is it tomorrow?

I can guaranteed you that Barack Hussein Obama in the White House is already drawing up plans to ban the criticism of Islam.



  1. "I can guaranteed you..."

    No, you can't.

  2. How about some pro quid pro. At the same time draw up plans to ban the criticism of Christianity.

  3. He has already made it a crime to speak against the government.

  4. Has Barack Hussein Obama done anything that makes sense since he has been President?

  5. 1:42 - he leaves the country frequently enough - we all want him to stay....

    Maybe they'll close the airports when he's gone and he won't be able to get back.....

  6. He can draw up all the plans he wants but this country is not and was not founded on his ideas. Go pound sand Obama bin laden.

  7. Over my Dead Body.

  8. Michael should get into the cartoon business if he's really serious.

  9. Yeah right getting locked up for your god given right to open your mouth. If he does Its grounds for impeachment!!!

  10. There have already been plenty of "grounds for impeachment". Nothing has been done, and the attack on our liberty will just compound itself, increasing until our Constitution is a forgotten anachronism.


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