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Thursday, May 07, 2015

Maryland’s University System Approves Tuition, Fee Hikes

ADELPHI, Md. (AP) — Students at University System of Maryland schools will be paying more next year.

The Board of Regents approved an increase in tuition rates and student fees Wednesday. The increases are expected to boost the system’s revenue by $50 million.

Most undergraduates who are Maryland residents will see a 5 percent increase. But University of Maryland, Baltimore County students will see a 7 percent increase since the school deferred a mid-year 2 percent tuition hike.



  1. gotta cover the increases for the $300K + salaries!

  2. Gov. Hogan...can you go after these exorbitant fees? Thanks!

    -Taxpayer/College Student

  3. Concerned RetireeMay 7, 2015 at 3:13 PM

    That is what you get when you let illegals go on the tax payer. Then also get in State tuition along with foreign students.

  4. 3:13 Yes, it is an outrage that illegals who typically pay little to nothing into the system, and drain much more out of it, get subsidized tuition off our taxes.

    Not only should they pay full rate, but they should also pay a percentage surcharge, reflecting the percentage of tuition that is subsidized by the taxpayer.

  5. Giveth with one hand and taketh with the other but it will be cheaper for students that travel toll roads to get to school.

  6. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoMay 7, 2015 at 9:01 PM

    3:13 I agree. University of Maryland caved in to the Muslim Group and BANNED A MOVIE AMERICAN SNIPER FROM SHOWING ON CAMPUS. And Now They Want Us the Taxpayers To Pay More For Tuition. I say Screw Them! I say Parent, Do Not Enroll Your Kid there and Demand Accountibility!

  7. Governor Hogan can you please tell us who the UMS answers to?

  8. Going all out to make an education unattainable for the middle class.
    THAT'S how to better society....


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