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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Chickens: Warning, Foul Language But Very Interesting!


  1. Andy Harris is one of the politicians named at the end of this video.

  2. I like twist Oliver puts on things.

  3. Write to him and ask him to support this.

    Very well done story.

  4. Eat More Chicken!!!!

  5. So, Andy, how will you vote? For the chicken companies or for the chicken farmers?
    It's time that the hardworking farmers were protected from economic and other discrimination by the companies for voicing their concerns in private and in public.

  6. My grandparents, parents, myself and my son have been raising chickens on Delmarva since the 1950's. We have never heard of anyone forced to become chicken growers. None. Some farmers can make a tremendous amount of profit in the industry, some make average amounts of profit and there are some who never should have gotten involved in the first place. It's the same as any other profession such as teachers, law enforcement, politicians, etc.. Not everyone can be successful in every endeavor.


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