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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Kim Jong-Un loses temper with terrapin farm workers

Workers at a North Korean terrapin farm probably wished they could withdraw into their protective shells Tuesday, after a visit from leader Kim Jong-Un who lambasted operations at the facility.

A large photo on the front page of the ruling party's official newspaper, the Rodong Sinmun, showed a clearly irate Kim wagging an admonishing finger at a group of officials in a building housing terrapin breeding tanks.

During his inspection of the farm, Kim "strongly criticised the shortcoming of its officials as a manifestation of incompetence, outmoded way of thinking and irresponsible work style," the North's official KCNA news agency said in a report on the visit.

Kim appeared to take particular umbrage at the fact that the failings he uncovered were in a farm set up at the personal initiative of his father, Kim Jong-Il, who he succeeded as leader following his death in December 2011.

"The employees who failed to bear deep in their minds (Kim Jong-Il's) leadership exploits could hardly perform their role as masters in production," KCNA quoted Kim as saying.



  1. He's just mad that they are raising terrapins, and not baking his cakes.

  2. The new team of terrapin farmers will hardly wonder what happened to the previous ones, when harvesting the new crop of the well-fed, fat and thriving terrapins.


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