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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

JUST IN: Beau Biden Undergoing Treatment at Walter Reed Medical Center

Vice President Joe Biden's son, Beau Biden, is undergoing treatment at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, the Office of the Vice President told ABC News.

The White House has not offered any further comment on Beau Biden's condition.



  1. A veteran who earned our respect and prayers.

  2. Who cares, another lying politician.

  3. From Pennsylvania I hope. Otherwise nothing from/for DE taxpayers.

  4. Daddy will use Air force 2 to fly him to a different hospital like he did before.

  5. Another daddy's got me a job.

  6. I don't understand previous comments re their lack of compassion! He had no choice in which wealthy/affluent family would be referring to him as their son! I only hope this most recent visit to the hospital isn't for something very serious. God bless you Beau......and no, I'm not a republican or resident of Delaware.

  7. A veteran that sat behind a desk as a lawyer, big deal.

  8. well I'm a vet along with millions of others and we would never be allowed to be treated at walter reed. that's the big deal. just another pos who gets special treatment cause his daddy is a lying scumbag!!

  9. Beau is a sickly person.As I recall he almost died once & has been in and out of hospitals for years.It's odd because he looks like a healthy person.Looks can be deceiving I guess.


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