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Sunday, May 03, 2015

'Just call them n*****s': Baltimore city councilman lashes out at CNN anchor for referring to rioters as thugs

A Baltimore city councilman has lashed out furiously against an CNN anchor who called rioters 'thugs.'

'Just call them n*****s,' Carl Stoke wryly told CNN's Erin Bernett live on air.

Before asking Stokes what he thought about the word, Burnett pointed out that Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and President Barack Obama had both chosen to use the word.

After mentioning the mayor had been criticized, Burnett asked, 'Isn’t it the right word?'

Stokes first responded: 'No, of course it’s not the right word to call our children thugs.

'These are children who have been set aside, marginalized, who have not been engaged by us.

'No. We don’t have to call them thugs.'



  1. nothing new. another ignorant leader...

  2. They are THUGS what should we call them?

    Innocent childerenz playing tidily winks.

  3. Typical Baltimore politician trash. Just like Cummings. 30 years in office and hasn't done a thing to help the city, or his own people. Yet, he gets elected every time. Pathetic.

  4. He told Sean Hannity last night that they were "college students" that were doing the rioting.
    This person is a complete and utter ignoramus and blacks should hang their heads in shame that they elect such "leaders." Any and all of their problems are not caused by whites but are caused by who THEY elect and there's no sense trying to do anything for them or even paying any attention to them ever again until they wise up.

  5. This POS is your sterotypical N. A loser elected by losers who have no sense of personal responsibility are excuse makers and enablers. A very evil man sent by the devil to do the devils work on earth.

  6. I saw that, and it looked like a Richard Pryor stand up routine.

  7. Most pf the leadership of Baltimore is black. So, what is happening in those oppressed neighborhoods is a reflection of their poor leadership.

  8. Anonymous said...
    He told Sean Hannity last night that they were "college students" that were doing the rioting.
    This person is a complete and utter ignoramus and blacks should hang their heads in shame that they elect such "leaders." Any and all of their problems are not caused by whites but are caused by who THEY elect and there's no sense trying to do anything for them or even paying any attention to them ever again until they wise up.

    April 30, 2015 at 10:20 AM

    He actually said "I don't call them thugs I call them college students" after Hannity said "then what do you call them."

    Hannity SPANKED Stokes over and over again. It was so embarrassing for for that elected thug. I was even embarrassed for him but I LMFAO!

  9. You have a city that is mostly black, a black mayor and a minority majority police force and 64% of the city is on some form of Welfare.

    Tell me again why it is the white man's fault? Tell me again why it is the Republican's fault?

    Senator Pugh and Congressmen Cummings were making all kinds of excuses for blacks. Blaming it also on Economic Development.

    I would love to know what the city lost just from the Orioles game that wasn't opened to the public. That alone is significant compared to the 150 buildings that burnt down and the 150 cars that were burnt or destroyed including police cars.

    If I was a police officer, firefighter, paramedic, citizen, a business owner or an insurance carrier I would demand that the Mayor and all of those Baltimore City Council Members resign because they are the reason Baltimore burned.

    I watched Sheriff Mike Lewis blast the hell out of Mayor Rawlings-Blake and I have never been more proud of our Sheriff.

  10. We white folks need to start calling them the New Generation of Welfare. When Your Welfare is not enough you just start a riot and loot and rob to make up the difference. So we need not to call them looters. We need to call the New Generation of Collectors.

  11. Isn't Erin Burnett a native of Wicomico County?

  12. I don't know where she is from but all she's ever been is a useful idiot for the left. They say jump and Burnett obeys without question and JUMPS like the well trained slave to the left that she is. She's not a journalist in any sense of the word. She's a well trained all obeying slave to the liberal agenda and how dare her call it like SHE actually sees it because Stokes will slap her back down right where he thinks she belongs!
    If she had a brain she's be embarrassed at the way she allows herself to be used.

  13. "These are children who have been set aside, marginalized, who have not been engaged by us."

    I heard some statistics quoted. In that neighborhood where Gray was arrested and many others like it around Baltimore City, the chronic absentee rate for students is over 50%. The unemployment rate is over 50% and the high school drop out rate is over 60%.

  14. Actually on the Hannity show last night Stokes was asked why we should not call them thugs by Hannity. He started with a long rambling story about how in the past several years there have been two riots in cities following sporting events. One was in Kentucky and I don't recall where the other was located. Sean kept telling him to get to the point. Sean kept interrupting Stokes because he is just getting that way anymore. At the end of the story as Stokes was to the point of it, which was that the rioters at the sporting events were called "college students," Sean jumped in and said, "Well, what do you call them?" Referring to the Baltimore teenagers and Stokes was saying he called them college students just like everyone else did, but Stokes wasn't talking about the Baltimore teenagers in that sentence. He was still telling his story and talking about calling those young people "college students."

  15. if some of you would open your minds, you would discover a whole world out here. doesn't it get boring in your own little worlds?

  16. 'These are children who have been set aside, marginalized, who have not been engaged by us.


    When the Hell did it become our obligation to be engaged by us. You and your people brought them in this world by unprotected sex and by design so they are YOUR respsonsibility, not ours!!


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