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Saturday, May 09, 2015

ISIS Threatens to Declare War on Hamas

Tensions between terror organizations Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and Hamas in Gaza have intensified in recent days, Maariv reported on Wednesday.

Clashes apparently spiraled after Hamas demolished a mosque used by members of the Salafist organization called “Islamic State Supporters in Beit Al-Maqdis" as well as arrested nearly 40 of its members.

Reportedly, Hamas arrested the dozens of Salafists as well as several prominent Islamic State preachers in Gaza, following the Islamic State takeover of Palestinian refugee camp Yarmouk, near Damascus.

"After ISIS beheaded several Palestinians, including a senior Hamas official," inside the camp in April, the International Business Times reported, "the Palestinian Intelligence agency swore that it would avenge the killing of its personnel."



  1. Like watching red ants killing black ants. Sit back and enjoy the carnage.

    1. Babies are being murdered and you say enjoy the carnage? I say wipe Isis out. The one time we need to be in a war and its one we created!

  2. Bizarre! Makes you wonder about the weird news sites who make claims about the role of Israel and the US in creating ISIS.


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