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Sunday, May 17, 2015

I Received A Very Interesting Call Moments Ago

A few minutes ago I received a phone call from a woman in Nevada. I answered the phone and she said, I'd like to speak to a black reporter please. I replied, we don't have a black reporter here, how can I help you. Somewhat shocked she said, I was told you had a black reporter who is a news anchor. I said, Mam, you must be talking about Paul Butler, he works as WBOC. I said, may I ask what this is in reference to. This was her reply.

I'd like to get a reporter to check into why a local jail,there doesn't have their air conditioning system working. I replied, more then likely because it hasn't been hot enough to run air conditioning until today. She said, it hasn't? I said, no Mam, today will be our first really hot day and it will only last for one day. I asked, how long has the A/C system been down. She replied, three weeks now. I said, it hasn't been hot enough. 

The problem I have with this caller is, one, WHY does she need a black reporter? Two, why are the inmates complaining that it's too hot when it really hasn't been that hot the past three weeks. 

I gave her Paul Butler's contact information and I went on to say, it sounds like the person complaining is a bit spoiled. The temperatures have been averaging in the 70's and she said, you don't run air conditioning in the 70's? No Mam, I replied. She said, but you have humidity there, can't they relocate the prisoners until they fix the air conditioners. I replied, I highly doubt they'd even consider it. Besides, the people that work there would love to make sure their A/C system is up and running, so I'm sure it will be operating soon enough. 

You know, I think about the young men and women that have served our country and become POW's. I think about the conditions they were subjected to and then I reflect back to this phone conversation. All I can say is, God Bless our Soldiers and Veterans, some of us have NOT forgotten and others need to shut the hell up.

By the way, she was complaining about the Wicomico Detention Center.


  1. I wonder how many people besides myself thought this was a joke at first.As I read on I realized it really happened.

  2. Sorry but if I had my way they would never have air conditioning to start with. I would cool the guard stations and offices but nothing else. Fans would be the only way to get any cooling. That way maybe the inmates would remember it when they get out not to be stupid enough to return. Problem solved!

  3. I spent 12 years in the Wicomico County education system, in 4 different schools. Neither of them had air conditioning.....

    Those poor dears in jail must be suffering terribly...give me a break

  4. Turn down the A/C.

  5. Keeping inamtes hot is a way to keep them calm. Theyre too tired to do anything.

  6. Our TROOPS are in a foreign country with temperatures 130 protecting our A$$. So this lady, the prisoners who are uncomfortable and anyone else who is HOT think about these TROOPS and shut the hello Up.

  7. FYI. 60 plus men in a cell block designed for 28. It gets hot in there. The fresh air make up isn't designed for the over flow of inmates.

  8. Oh boo hoo.
    Reminds me of those who were arrested during the riots. The Governor signed an executive order extending the time limit for prompt presentment to 47 hrs.
    Normally when you are arrested, you are given a copy of your charging documents and then you must see a commissioner within 24 hours for a bail determination (“prompt presentment”) and given a trial date.
    Only 2 commissioners showed up and Central Booking was a zoo with the 10 x 10 cells overflowing with people some of whom had been there for 2 days.
    Central Booking is just a holding area and you are either released or if no bail or can't make bail you are taken to the Balt city jail. It's not a place where regular meals are served so if in there when it's meal time you are given a cheese sandwich. They were saving the bread and using it as pillows and are now complaining about this "mistreatment."

    1. Bull . saving bread as pillows. They would eat all they could if what you say is true. And the bread would go stale and harden. Not to mention the rats in bed while you sleep. Inmates try to keep their cells clean as possible unless they are mental or behavior problems. They are usually in confinement.

  9. I spent 12 years in Worcester County public schools with no air conditioning. I then spent four years at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis. The classrooms had A/C but the dorm we lived in, Bancroft Hall, had NO A/C, either. What kind of society have we turned into?

  10. why do the inmates need air condition to start with?

    1. Let's 60+ criminals get cramped up hot and agitated in a small area.They'll destroy the jail and the men and women working there. And its humane. Some " criminals" are there for petty crap or made up charges by police. Innocent until guilty.

  11. Last I heard ECI nor Popular Hill Pre-release had AC. I'd be in favor of none of them having AC. I believe it may help with their desire not to return. I must say though that I've had my AC on in my house for about the last 10 days. Once the temp in my house gets over 75, I'm turning it on. But I have that luxury since I pay my electric bill, they don't.

  12. No a/c, serve bread and water - isn't it jail after all?

    1. Again. Innocent until proven guilty. I'm all for what you say in prisons. Not in county jail where people await to stand trial.

  13. Why do the inmates have a right to complain?

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Keeping inamtes hot is a way to keep them calm. Theyre too tired to do anything.

    May 12, 2015 at 10:54 AM

    You've never been cramped with a bunch of sweaty guys. Hot areas just make them more agitated.

    And to the rest of you idiots, jail/prison IS the punishment, not FOR punishment. Try to figure that out.

  15. When its hot and no AC and not enough water. Your asking for big problems with dehydration and hospital runs, that will cost tax payers more money. So everyone on here speaking bad about inmates not found guilty I'm assuming your families are perfect and will remain that way til the end of time right. I have never seen such judgemental all in one area.

    1. Man its changing. Slowly but surely. The 3% is growing. The cops know it. People are aware of the tyrannies of the government and their thugs and are tired of it. Soon people won't be like this anymore. You have a voice . use it.


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