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Sunday, May 17, 2015

House Bill Would End Online Ammo Sales


  1. I'd like to point out that this bill has the exact same House Resolution number [H.R. 2283] that is assigned to a 'Human Trafficking' bill, that virtually no one opposes, and passed by the 113th Congress' House. While this may or may not cause confusion among representatives it will, with absolute certainty, confuse the general public. I see this as just one more underhanded tactic being used by the devious Democrats to falsely garner support for this atrocious attack on the 2nd Amendment.

  2. It is the nature of government to take it's citizens freedoms. They will take until the governed take back their unalienable rights. As Jefferson said "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots."

  3. "To enslave a nation, first disarm it". Carl Marx
    "Unarmed citizens, are no longer citizens, but subjects". Thomas Jefferson

    It is coming folks, buy all the ammo you can, get ready, and shoot to kill!

  4. Google "Maryland Militia" it's time.

  5. But our citizens are to stupid to see that it is coming...

    When the govt takes your rights or your ability to protect yourself, there is a reason for this and it is not a good reason...

    What does taking guns, or ammo or body armor or anything of the like do? Well it shows the govt is scared of something, it shows the govt is up to something that they know we won't let happen if at all possible...

    the only reason for the govt to ban body armor for civilians is bc they plan on shooting at you and don't want to you to have it...

  6. This is why ISIS is targeting Maryland because they know there are more armed citizens here who are willing to engage with them than other states would. They must take Maryland down first.


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