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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Homeless Get Wi-Fi

A light bulb flashed in Darcel Jackson’s head one night, while lying in bed in a homeless shelter in San Francisco, that the greatest thing he could do for homeless people would be to connect them to the internet.

Having an instant link to the world wide web could help people like Jackson get jobs and find housing, reported KQED. The problem at the Next Door homeless shelter was that they didn’t have any computers making it extremely difficult to pull down current job boards or websites listing cheap rooms.

Next Door resident Wayne Samuelson, a former Marine, said that not having the internet puts you at a disadvantage with others in society. “Everybody is wired up,” Samuelson says, “People are like, ‘Are you connected?’ I’m like, ‘What do you mean? Am I a gangster?’ Oh, Internet.”



  1. Perfect, then the criminal among them can hack into peoples bank accounts.

  2. We have it under the overhead bridge in Sby.

  3. 7:36 I doubt the chronic homeless can hack anything besides a loogie. If they have the skills to hack into secured sites, they have the skills to get a job so they aren't homeless.

  4. free internet = library. they don't need wifi unless they have smartphone/tablet.


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