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Friday, May 15, 2015

GREAT News: Teacher Who Forced Grade Schoolers to Send Cards to Cop Killer Was Fired

Here is some good news. The New Jersey teacher who forced her third graders to send get well cards to cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal has finally been fired.

In April news broke that this “teacher,” one Marilyn Zuniga, had her 8-year-old students send the get well cards to the convicted cop killer.

Now Zuniga has been fired for her stunt by the Orange, New Jersey public schools.

Marylin Zuniga, a first-year teacher who drew widespread condemnation for assigning her young charges the task of writing to Mumia Abu-Jamal, was canned at the meeting of the Orange Board of Education, the Star-Ledger of Newark reported.

…The vote to fire Zuniga occurred after several hours of public speakers, many of whom praised Zuniga for teaching her students to have compassion for a man who killed a police officer. Abu-Jamal killed Faulkner during a routine traffic stop of Abu-Jamal’s brother. At trial, several witnesses reported seeing Abu-Jamal kill Faulkner, and two witnesses said Abu-Jamal confessed to the killing, saying, “I shot the motherfu**er, and I hope the motherfu**er dies.”

Although the abrupt vote left meeting attendees unsure of what had happened, Orange Superintendent Ronald Lee confirmed that Zuniga was fired in an email to the Star-Ledger.

This is the right move. Any teacher who would teach 8-year-olds to celebrate a murderer deserves to be fired.



  1. You know, 21% of the people in Baltimore at employed by the Government. The riots, burning, destroying should not be forgotten. If you are a Government employee and you or family participated in property destruction, let's fire your ass.

    Could be that the Mayor there and DA would qualify.

    Take back your city and purge it of this poison.

  2. "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."
    Vladimir Lenin


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