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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Grapevine PoliceOfficer Shoots, Kills Unarmed Mexican Man


  1. Run from cops, Refuse to listen to cops, get shot by cops. Oh well.

  2. 10:09: Yeah, and the Jews in Europe all peacefully surrendered to their deaths in the gas chambers.

    You are so lame....

  3. Justified shooting. Illegal Mexican found behind a business with an activated alarm, flees from lawful order to stop, puts hundreds of legal citizens in harms way through his reckless driving... Job well done officer!!

  4. WTF was a fire truck doing there? Did the gun catch on fire?

  5. The Illegal Alien kept reaching for something and kept saying he was going to kill the cop. He kept creeping up on the cop and the cop felt threatened for his life. Excellent job officer, excellent job. One officers life is saved and one illegal criminal thug with a stolen car is off the streets.

  6. Good shoot the guy kept coming he did not want to hug the cop. Sorry you get what you get when a cop tells you to stay back I would stay back. Just another felon dead. Oh well I know I will sleep well tonight. I would love the to know what kind of record this dude has. he did not want to go to jail he was going to try to take the cop. Good shoot

  7. There was nothing in his hands and he was not reaching for anything. He was unarmed.
    All your pro-kill comments are as disgusting as the cops actions.
    Any reason to kill.
    Where was his back up?
    and 11:51 he was not threatening to kill the cops IDK where you conjured that lie up.
    What a ugly lot of ignorant sheeple


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