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Sunday, May 03, 2015

FREDDY GRAY’S ARREST RECORD: Here’s The Rap Sheet Of The Guy They’re Destroying Baltimore Over



  1. Ahhhh if obama had a son.

  2. Fine young man...stand-up citizen...

  3. Career criminal but not up to the the police to be judge, jury and executioner. Death penalty is not on the table in this country for being a drug dealer.

  4. He should have been already put in jail for LIFE

  5. That's actually a condensed and redacted list, Joe. Not listed are 2 separate assault charges, an escape charge, trespassing, burglary, and a few others. fwiw, this latest arrest, would have been his fifth in 2015 alone.

  6. What would the Pt Mayor do in salisbury when this happens Here ? ask the police chief to order PIZZAS ?.

  7. They should find the judge that did not have him locked up and have HIM stand in front of the police! There is no reason why with all these cases he should have been out of prison!

  8. Why was he not in prison/jail. He's got 6 charges within the last 6 months.

  9. If he was in prison where he belonged he would still be alive.

  10. are you trying to suggest if anyone has an ARREST record they can be executed? if thats the case, what type of person is safe from being killed?

  11. Plus he had recently had neck surgery and on restricted movement. I wonder, did he have health insurance?

  12. His rap sheet has nothing to do with police brutality nor the fact that in their custody he was hurt and ultimatly died... Second, I know if you get caught doing half of what that sheet said, you would be doing hard time in jail so I know half if it must be forged...

    But you all think that commiting a crime years ago means it's ok to murder or kill someone... Even when what they did or didn't do was years ago and has no bearing on what happened in police care....

  13. Anonymous said...
    What would the Pt Mayor do in salisbury when this happens Here ? ask the police chief to order PIZZAS ?.

    April 28, 2015 at 3:51 PM

    And put it on the BOE's credit cards.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why was he not in prison/jail. He's got 6 charges within the last 6 months.

    April 28, 2015 at 3:53 PM

    That's why they are trying to decriminalize MaryJane then the criminal records would looks so bad on blacks. I disagree, keep it illegal!

  15. Anonymous said...
    are you trying to suggest if anyone has an ARREST record they can be executed? if thats the case, what type of person is safe from being killed?

    April 28, 2015 at 3:55 PM

    Who got executed? WTF are you talking about?

    I heard there was an arrest and a criminal thug was resisting arrest and fighting police officers, but I haven't heard of anyone getting executed? Do you know something we don't know?

  16. Anonymous said...
    Career criminal but not up to the the police to be judge, jury and executioner. Death penalty is not on the table in this country for being a drug dealer.

    April 28, 2015 at 3:40 PM

    Who got executed? Do you know something we don't know or are you just spewing your typical cop hatred!

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    His rap sheet has nothing to do with police brutality nor the fact that in their custody he was hurt and ultimatly died... Second, I know if you get caught doing half of what that sheet said, you would be doing hard time in jail so I know half if it must be forged...

    But you all think that commiting a crime years ago means it's ok to murder or kill someone... Even when what they did or didn't do was years ago and has no bearing on what happened in police care....

    April 28, 2015 at 4:18 PM

    "so I know half if it must be forged..."

    How do you know something got forged? Are you liberal a$$ Pu%%ies that soft hearted that you are willing to give every black criminal thug a free pass to commit crimes against another human being!!

  18. OK...I don't know where this back surgery report came from...but how was he riding a bike???

  19. I heard there was an arrest and a criminal thug was resisting arrest and fighting police officers, but I haven't heard of anyone getting executed? Do you know something we don't know?

    April 28, 2015 at 4:29 PM

    no one was resisting arrest, OR fighting cops. the guy is dead, what would you call it? workplace violence?

  20. Who got executed? Do you know something we don't know or are you just spewing your typical cop hatred!

    April 28, 2015 at 4:30 PM

    psst, wrong one. I'm over here

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    OK...I don't know where this back surgery report came from...but how was he riding a bike???

    April 28, 2015 at 4:48 PM

    I never read anything about him riding a bike. I read he was standing, made eye contact with police and then took off running.

    Just because you seen him next to a bicycle doesn't mean he was riding it. Might even be the cops bike you saw.

    embellish much?

  22. Please stop. This is no different than those justifying the riots by pointing to the way (white) sports fans behave after a game. No matter what his record, once he was in custody the police had a responsibility for him to either seek medical assistance if he needed it and to secure him properly in the back of the van. If he did have a prior injury he would have been more vulnerable than the others in the back.

  23. Gives new meaning to serve and protect. All officers should have a 3 strike review. All officers with at least 3 verified complaints should have a public record that can be reviewed. No more hiding. No more covering. Full accountability and full transparency for all.

  24. whatever happened to 20 strikes and your out

  25. Do your research before you open your hill billy mouths he was not convicted of a lot of those crimes !!! Funny how you all comment private put you name up there!! Same white people probably go to work with black people and won't tell them how you really feel!! Walmart has back bones for sale if you need one

  26. 5:21 PM

    they are not trying to justify anything. THey are comparing the differences between the labels and punishments for the same type of crap.

    You have a weak mind.

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Do your research before you open your hill billy mouths he was not convicted of a lot of those crimes !!! Funny how you all comment private put you name up there!! Same white people probably go to work with black people and won't tell them how you really feel!! Walmart has back bones for sale if you need one

    April 28, 2015 at 8:29 PM

    You beat me to it. I just came from case search and went through them. Couple convictions, at least one not guilty, rest mostly nolle prosequi or stet.

    People believe anything if it reinforces their hate.

  28. Did anyone witness police brutality. No there is not one witness to this allegation. Ferguson all over again. When will A/A take responsibility for bad behavior. I hope the truth comes out. Baltimore is afraid of the truth because it will cause riots lol. WTF time for a cleansing

  29. A fine, upstanding citizen ... a role model for sure

  30. God does not like ugly!! Open ur minds up we all make bad decisions! If you feel some kind of way about this because he is black than shame on you! This could be a white guy!!! What is right is right what is wrong is wrong but man if you don't like African American people than move !! American is changing there is all kinds of people now not just white people!!! And I am white and it's not right to judge some one on a case search!! I have a criminal history but I tell ya what I'd do anything for any body what ever color you are! It's not what's on the out side it's what's on the inside!!! God knows your true colors! You will have to answer to him before you rip!!

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    A fine, upstanding citizen ... a role model for sure

    April 28, 2015 at 10:44 PM

    when are you dipwads going to understand that makes no difference whatsoever? your opinion does not trump a mans life.

    Jesus had disciples with histories worse than his. So what? Stop the hate.

  32. lets see the kops rap sheets, or how many times they have been reported for abusing suspects/citizens.
    oh that's right they are here to protect us!

  33. @6:49 I bet you have a rap sheet a mile long!I bet the "kops" know you personally. And I bet you are a bottom feeder feeding off the government.

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    @6:49 I bet you have a rap sheet a mile long!I bet the "kops" know you personally. And I bet you are a bottom feeder feeding off the government.

    April 29, 2015 at 9:34 AM

    I hope you bet a lot. Now your broke butt can't buy coffee and donuts while you sit on your lazy butt collecting YOUR govt check.

  35. Some of you are mis-understading what what others are trying to say. He was a drug dealer. People of Baltimore wake up, the guy you are protesting for probably sold drugs to your kids. On CNN they are talking about his legacy, give me a break, his legacy is he was a drug dealer and the people in Baltimore are acting like he was a choir boy. This is all making me sick and CNN, WBAL, WJZ, are all acting like they are scared to death to say any thing negative.

  36. 9:20 PM

    I think you are misunderstanding something. They are not protesting for freddie, they are protesting AGAINST police brutality and needless killings committed by them.

    Freddie is just the latest one that stirred the protests and ensuing riot.

  37. The riot had nothing to do with Freddie Gray's record but what happens to many people in this country. It's still not legal or right to kill citizens unless they have been convicted and sentenced. As long as minorities are mistreated most of you are happy but when it happens to you then you are whining and crying. "What goes around comes around".

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The riot had nothing to do with Freddie Gray's record but what happens to many people in this country. It's still not legal or right to kill citizens unless they have been convicted and sentenced. As long as minorities are mistreated most of you are happy but when it happens to you then you are whining and crying. "What goes around comes around".

    May 4, 2015 at 12:25 AM

    well said

  39. 10:15 pm you say they were not protesting for Drug Dealer Freddie.I guess I was just seeing things when all those protesters were carrying signs justice for Freddie.


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