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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Facing $1 billion deficit, Arizona sharply limits welfare

PHOENIX (AP) — Facing a $1 billion budget deficit, Arizona’s Republican-led Legislature has reduced the lifetime limit for welfare recipients to the shortest window in the nation.

Low-income families on welfare will now have their benefits cut off after just 12 months.

As a result, the Arizona Department of Economic Security will drop at least 1,600 families — including more than 2,700 children — from the state’s federally funded welfare program on July 1, 2016.

The cuts of at least $4 million reflect a prevailing mood among the lawmakers in control in Arizona that welfare, Medicaid and other public assistance programs are crutches that keep the poor from getting back on their feet and achieving their potential.



  1. Excellent! Now the leeches will move out of Arizona...to Maryland....your turn Governor Hogan!

  2. Great job and every state in this country should do the same thing.

  3. There will be 1600 families moving from AZ to somewhere else this year.

  4. Don't suppose it's a bunch of illegal (criminal) aliens do you? NAAAaaa

  5. Welfare, Medicaid and other public assistance programs are not bad things unless there's no end in sight for their applications, and no programs or incentives to move people away from needing them. The people of Arizona see that it's gotten out of hand, out of the taxpayers' ability to sustain it, and beyond any rational notion that it can ever end in its present forms.

  6. Maybe they can EARN a living by WORKING for it?

  7. Then the will wonder why there are homeless everywhere. It doesn't solve the problem, it just shifts it.
    Look at all the problems with that shelter by the Giant, multiply that many times over.

  8. 2:54 I agree completely. Such safety nets are a vital part of our society, for the truly deserving. There are people who have fallen on hard times, it can happen to almost anyone. But those are the people who merely need (and want) a hand getting back on their feet. I have no problem helping out someone as long as it is to resolve the issue in their life preventing them from going forward and making it on their own.

    What I do object strongly to, are the generations of self-entitled parasites who use the safety net as a hammock. They need to be given a harsh lesson in reality.

    But they won't learn to be self sufficient as long as someone else will give them a handout. The Arizona welfare recipients will either find another program they'll qualify for, or some liberal bleeding heart judge will grant them an "emergency" continuation of welfare.

    Or, they'll start looking at who gives the most welfare out, and head there. Not like they could have simply headed for where ever they could find jobs, of course.

    I'd hope Arizona kicks off anyone not a legal American citizen first. And ships back "their" allotment of the flood of illegal minors (mostly teenagers) recently deposited into our country.

  9. Obama will federalize their legislature.

  10. Programs were supposed to be a safety net, not a way of life. This should be a universal policy

  11. They should only be able to get certain things with food stamps. Maybe Michelle Obama can make a healthy menu for them like she did for the schools. If it is good enough for the schools why not feed it to them for dinner.

    Im sure the children are legal. Not sure about the parents.

  12. I tired of paying tens of thousands of dollars in taxes for Obamacare, handouts,illegals and soon Cubans.

  13. 7:03 The largest amount of your taxes go for SS and defensive, What you site makes up a very small percentage of your tax payments.

  14. SS is not a welfare program. Medicare exists because people paid into the program from their payroll taxes; they actually WORKED for the benefits.

    1. Yes, that irks me when SS is called welfare. And the only real "entitlements"'should be SS and pensions, because they have been earned.

  15. Easy to end the homeless problem, enforce the vagrancy laws! Throw them in jail, end of problem! Rearrest them after release, and keep doing it till they get labeled a "Habitual Offender", then they are in prison for life! No more creepy people hanging out on our streets!

  16. "Easy to end the homeless problem..."

    Not a particularly well thought out solution. The incarceration costs more than the handouts.

  17. 8:08 Many of the homeless are actually mentally ill, and jail is the last place they should be. Perhaps if holistic, treatment centered facilities for the mentally ill were re-opened, for inpatient residential as well as outpatient, there wouldn't be so many of them.

    Bums like Nick Parks though, put 'em on a chain gang.

  18. the difference between a liberal nutshell mike maryland and a rational state like Arizona. Maryland would raise taxes and extend welfare benefits on the backs of the working people in maryland.


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