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Friday, May 01, 2015

Ex-Cop: O'Malley Return Could Further Inflame Baltimore

Martin O'Malley cut short a trip to the British Isles to return to Baltimore amid unrest in his city, but a former police officer told MSNBC on Wednesday that O'Malley's return could cause even more trouble.

O'Malley's time as mayor of Baltimore is the reason for the turmoil caused after the death of Freddie Gray, 25, in police custody, former Baltimore police officer Neill Franklin told "Andrea Mitchell Reports."
"I don't want to say this, but I'm gonna say it anyway: If he's coming back to town, you may see a riot," Franklin said.



  1. Whaddya mean "his city"?

  2. 7:49, your observation of that is excellent. To some, it's just an innocent phrase indicating the passion a "leader" has for the place he served.

    But that one word speaks to the PR flim-flam of politicians and media, the arrogance. Salisbury has certainly experienced it.

  3. "Simon blamed "mass arrests" for minor offenses and arresting people for being out at night simply to clear the streets.

    "O'Malley defends the wholesale denigration of black civil rights to this day," Simon said.

    Simon said he would still vote for O'Malley should he win the nomination."

    Some people just can't get any stupider...

  4. Officer Franklin is Black by the way. Just another racist with a badge. Blacks are so more racist then Whites. At least Mike Lewis calls it like it is. He was not programed by the left. Mayor Blake should just resign. She is a liar and a racist. Just like Marion Berry. The world was racist when it blasted him for smoking crack with a prostitute.

    Whites should boycott that city. White cops should call out sick for a week. Only 150 stores looted. The odd thing they were all owned by minorities but one.


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